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reader, thinker, dreamer, storyteller / Humanities Instructor in ATL / #comics #APLitChat #THEBOOKCHAT #NCTEchat #DnD #ttrpgs

Feb 27, 2023, 18 tweets

DAY 6 — Salzburg to Munich. First stop at Hangar 7 outside the city, the home of Red Bull

#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

More shots! I was told there was a good mural in the bathroom. We didn’t get to get too far into the museum because they were filming a movie there today. Nonetheless, the kids enjoyed the sights!

#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

So prepare for the tweet bomb of the trip! Far too much fun contained for just 2-3 tweets! #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

We had the chance to stop at the Hellbrunn Palace on the way out of Salzburg, home of the Sound of Music Pavillon — relocated here after the filming of the movie.
#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Students had a chance to show off our waltzing skills that we learned in Vienna. #MVInterim #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

We also had so much fun in the snow park nearby. ❄️☃️Of course kids loved the impromptu free event we had no idea we’d get to enjoy! #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Lots of swings, joy! The laughter was contagious. I think some of us even found our inner child again! Even the ones much closer in age to childhood. Our own Frontier.
#MVInterim #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

There was a zip line that many of the kids were able to play on! #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Went to another place with very few opportunities to take pictures. The Salt Mines! Finally crossed into Deutschland! Maybe a photo I shouldn’t have taken in the mines. #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

More fun shots from our trip into the mines. Some of us even went on adventure to find a phone. #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

I got this sentence on Duolingo this morning. I can tell you the chaperones have made this trip so awesome! Thanks @NUTINBUTburNET and @Aschewe24 for shepherding this children across #MVEurope2023 with me. #MVInterim2023

Now lunch at Hofbrauhaus Berchtesgaden! #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

Emily has filled out trip to München with tons of fun activities! The challenges continue with quizzes and word searches. Ever the competitive spirit with the Mustangs! #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterjm

Oh, mom and dad… I think we found some new items for our wish list at BMW World!

#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

What say you? Can we get it?! Pleassseee! 🙏🚗🏎️🚙

#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

A few more photos for good measure! Even the chaperones are thinking of a purchase.
#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

A nice dinner with friends and back to the hotel for the night! #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim And a train ride back to the hotel.

Looking back, today was a great day. Group shot from the Salzbergwerk in Deutschland. 🧂🇩🇪 #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

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