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Feb 27, 2023, 10 tweets

Huge update from @VodafoneGroup DAB “Economy of Things” platform built in collaboration with @energywebx & @Mastercard

The blockchain Lead at Vodafone:
“We will soon launch 160 Million assets on the platform, making it the largest Protocol out there! $EWT ⚡️

Thread below ⤵️⚡️

2/ During a podcast last week, the Blockchain lead at Vodafone - David Palmer, dropped some amazing news coming to the Digital Asset Broker - DAB platform.

He states that this started slowly, but He believes 2023 is the year for that to change…

3/ If you don’t yet know the significance of this news, please read the thread & alpha uncovered by @GreenAltCrypto last year:

4/ David stated that their team has partnered with a lot of the leading system integrators & tech companies.

But he didn’t want to single any of them out, but so far we know about the @VodafoneGroup partnership with @energywebx & @Polkadot + found out there is @chainlink also!

5/ During research Vodafone realized that they won’t build their own Layer 1, but a Layer 2 to utilize different standards

Found out @chainlink is also being utilized on the #DAB Platform

& I believe this huge news is not yet known by the $LINK community…

6/ Apparently Vodafone has found 4 use-cases for their business with Blockchain, but we only know 3 of them:

(Open standard with Kigen & Kore)

2:SIMTrust (Vodafone and $EWT)

3:Digital Asset Broker (Parachain on $EWX)

4: ????

There is one more we haven’t found yet!

7/ David Palmer also explains that the DAB platform is a Layer 2 protocol that will help companies to onboard their Digital Assets on top of the Layer one protocol & connect them to the Web3

We already know DAB will be a Layer 2 Protocol launched on top of @energywebx RelayChain…

8/ When asked about the Roadmap of DAB Platform:

David states that their number one focus is to make the platform easy to use

& to grow the ecosystem, bringing more companies and more assets and devices on the platform, starting with 160million!

9/ Now, I believe there is a good chance we will see a Vodafone Token launch on $EWX Relaychain with this DAB Layer 2 Protocol

The Blockchain Lead of Vodafone even mentions multiple times how he believes we will soon get in a Token Economy, and even explain how important it is.

10/ You can find the full episode of David Palmer - Blockchain Lead at Vodafone here:…

This episode has a lot more cool stuff which I didn’t had time to write all.

Hope you enjoyed!

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