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• Wrapped around Mile & Apo’s little finger • back up acc: aposlittlebell

Feb 27, 2023, 18 tweets

So I'm sad about KPTS ending and we've been sharing pics of this scene on the TL so screw it. I'm gonna talk about it.

Ahem ~

🪡 A thread incoming:

#KinnPorscheTheSeries #KinnPorscheEP4 #MileApo

As we all very well know, Porsche and Kinn crave that intimacy with someone - the touch, the scent, the closeness, the moment with the other person. Yes of course sex, but it's everything that comes with "sex" and not just the act itself.

For Porsche, he is used to it being quick and fast - no lead up, no prolonging the moments before the deed is done. That is what he always did and how it often went at the back of Yok's bar. But we know that he is starved of that physical touch and warmth from another person.

Kinn on the other hand, has experienced love - but after that betrayal, the walls came up and he sought sex as a way to relieve his stress and take his mind away from everything else in his life. And almost trying to prove to himself that he truly IS in control (stay with me)...

After Tawan betrayed him, Kinn got so hurt & his trust was broken. But since then, Kinn is always in control, dominant... making sure he is holding the reins. That's why he could never kiss anyone else, bcos that was an opportunity to let himself be open, vulnerable & real.

Then what is so special about Ep4's NC scene for Kinn and Porsche? Everything that both of them lacked, the intimacy, the desperation to touch and feel, and to be engulfed in another person - they finally got that with each other.

It was never fast and "cut to the chase" like Porsche was used to. Kinn, although in control, surrendered part of himself to someone else the moment they kissed. Kinn took charge but Porsche also had that power over Kinn.

So much time was spent just touching each other, feeling every curve and edge of the other person. Revelling in the fact that there was warmth and security between them, not just lust. They explored each other and savoured every ounce of skin-ship, just drinking each other in.

They allowed themselves to feel and be open. It wasn't rushed. It was meticulous and delicate, but fiery and passionate at the same time. The ecstasy they felt here didn't come from the act itself. It came from everything else in between and before it.

And in the aftermath of Ep5, we know there was so much going on inside of KP. So many feelings. I won't touch on all of them, just what is relevant to this thread.
We know so well: Porsche tried to "override" and forget. Kinn tried to recreate it. But why didn't either work?

As someone who never got the physical intimacy they yearned for their entire life until Kinn, Porsche tried to go back to what he knows. But he can't go back. Even though the goal was sex, it wasn't as "fast" and straight to it as we saw in Ep1. He kissed, lingered & embraced her

But it wasn't enough and it wasn't the same. Kinn was still in his head, his touch still on his body even though he tried to replace it with the girl at the bar.

And Kinn? He sought to regain control completely. But although he is dominant in bed, he couldn't dominate Porsche emotionally 100%. Their emotional exchange was equal as well as physically. So he tried to recreate that night & hold on to the feeling of letting go and be "free".

Interestingly, if you look closely, they take on each other's habits. Porsche who normally does sex "fast", went slower with that girl. Kinn who hovers with control, tried to speed up the process to satisfy his hunger for intimacy that Porsche gave him the night before.

All to try and get back to that moment and that feeling they shared together in Ep4. But they can't. That girl is not Kinn. That boy is not Porsche.

What both of them needed, they got from each other. But the ones they were with in ep5, couldn't give what they truly wanted.

This is why Ep4 NC scene still remains so powerful and why it was so important, not just for the storyline but for the characters and their development as well. And their needs and desires are exposed even more in Ep5.

I won't even go into the superb cinematography for Ep4's NC scene because it speaks for itself. But what that scene gave us was more than a heated scene. It was like an orchestral piece with build up, intensity and a climax, with emotions that lingered in the air at every shot.

If you made it this far, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I know I have more to say, but I'll save it for another day 🤍

End ~

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