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Feb 28, 2023, 29 tweets

What Happened (@BillClinton) 9/11?
6000 Patents?
Free Energy?
Debt Forgiveness?
USA Inc. Bankrupt In 2020!

🔍Developing Revelations: The Bountiful #NESARA (National Economic Security & Reformation Act)

NESARA is a set of economic reforms (JFK principles) for the US suggested in the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard:

Abolishing Compound Interest

Bimetallic Currency

Replacing Income Tax With National Sales Tax
Stable Economy With 0% Inflation


The National Economic Stabilization & Recovery Act
108th Congress 2nd Session (2003-2005)
88 Page Document

Purposed To Amend:
✍️Federal Reserve Act (1913)
✍️Internal Revenue Code (1939)

To Secure Americans Right To:


National Economic Security Strategy Act of 2018
115th Congress 2nd Session
April 25, 2018

@SenToddYoung introduced the bill to senate committee on housing & urban affairs, required the @POTUS to set forth a national economic security strategy.


Global Economic Security & Reformation Act

National Economic Security & Reformation Act

Worldwide Companion Supported By White Hat BRICS Alliance Utilizing @SpaceX & @SpaceForceDoD To Activate #QFS Satellites.


Uncle John G. Trump was entrusted with confiscated inventions/patents of Nikola Tesla by telling the @FBI there was no substance to any of his notes including:

Free Energy
Time Travel

All Later Passed On To @RealDonaldTrump.


Tesla Tower
Location: Milford, Texas

1️⃣⚡️One Of Nikola Tesla's Many Hidden Inventions/Patents
2️⃣⚡️To Be Mass Released Alongside NESARA/GESARA
3️⃣⚡️Transmits Wireless Free Energy Between Two Towers
4️⃣⚡️ Would Launch Humanity Into New Age Of Productivity


In Perth & Boulder, Australia @Tesla Batteries believed to be involved with the coming free energy systems have been installed under the guise of the "PowerBank Trial" which facilitates storage for additional solar power generated electricity.


Q Anon Shaman asked digital warriors to spread knowledge of newly released patents assigned to @SECNAV from inventor Salvatore Cezar Pais (a.k.a. Savior of the People).

Free Energy
TR3B Ship
Temperature Superconductor


Zero Point Free Energy
High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator

TR3B Aircrafts
Craft Using An Inertial Mass Reduction Device

Temperature Superconductor
Piezoelectricity-Induced High Temperature Superconductor


🛸 TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts Spotted On USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78 @Warship_78)

🛸 TR-3B Targeting A Chemtrail Aircraft

🛸 TR-3B Using Simulation Cloaking Technology To Blend Into Clouds/Sky


Med Beds
Medical Pods
Light Chambers

Stem From:
Nikola Tesla & Georges Lakhovsky's
1934 Multi-Wave Oscillator
🧩Part Tesla Coil
🧩Part Earth Generator

Patented and hidden from the general public, made only available to the elite 1% of the time.


Med Beds
Medical Pods
Light Chambers

Use A Combination Of:
Quantum Tech
Tesla Energy
UV Light

To heal all human ailments naturally and even reduce aging by up to 30 years (known as age regression).


June 28, 2018 @realDonaldTrump paid a visit to @HonHai_Foxconn to break ground for a plant that provided jobs for 13,000 Wisconsinites.

Their @ZapSurgical Zap-X uses Gyroscopic UV light radiation in a non-invasive manner to shrink (zap) brain tumours.


Theta Chamber/Pod
Used Since 2018
Select Wellness Centers
Modernization Of Loran Swensen's 1989 "Omega Brain 5000"

4 Treatment Modalities:
Binaural Beats
Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing
Vestibular Motion
Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation


90.10 Meditation Bed (MedBed)
Completed expert review Sept 22, 2021 in @Biomedres01.

Utilizing quantum entanglement cell regeneration, installation of a quantum 90.10 Cube (12 million QEPPs energy output processor) converts your bed into a MedBed.


Dr. Sandra Rose Michael's EES System (Energy Enhancement System) generates bio-active energetic “scalar waves” encouraging:

Cell Regeneration
Elevated Mood
Improved Immune Function
Increased Energy
Pain Relief


Where Is Gold Coming From To Return To A Gold Standard?

Jesuit Khazarian Controlled:
Central Banks
War-Torn Countries (@USMC In Iraq)

@RealDonaldTrump Ordered Military To Bring All Gold Back To U.S., Taking 650 Trips.


Quantum Financial System #QFS

A @SpaceForceDoD White Hat Military quantum satellite system (replacing Cabal MOSSAD satellites) used for the coming revitalized geopolitical-socioeconomic systems.

Asset-Backed Digital Currency (ABDC)


In a 2022 seminar @Davidlesterss mentioned @USTreasury failed a significant audit while surrounded by police vehicles/prison buses and thus taken over by White Hats. The bank teller directly confirmed they had already begun transitioning to the #QFS.


Case #: 20-40375-KKS
United States Corporation Company (USA Inc.)
Involuntary Chapter 11

Documents show United States Corporation Company (USA Inc.) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Florida (Tallahassee).


🔎 @YahooFinance:
"This scheme essentially merges the @federalreserve & @USTreasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, @RealDonaldTrump."

🔎 Q Drop #3904:
"Patriots in Control of the Federal Reserve System"


Biggest Confirmation @realDonaldTrump Is Chairmen Of @FEDeralreserve & @USTreasury:

US Debt Clock Switch Money Creation From
"US Monetary Base" To "US Treasury Dollars"

4/10/20 = D/J/T = Donald J. Trump

@WaybackMachine Confirmed:
4/9/20 vs. 4/10/20


The New Financial System:

✅Q White Hat Military Alliance
✅Q Phones (Starlink)
✅Gold Standard
✅ISO 20022
✅Basel III/IV
✅Bretton Woods 3
✅Protocol 19 & 20
❌Khazarian Satellites
❌Fiat $
❌Unregulated Crypto


Derek Johnson (@rattletrap1776) is a mil vet that has explained how @RealDonaldTrump is the current military installed wartime US Commander-In-Chief (CIC) as per supporting EOs, federal directives & laws.

Via Blueprint Outline:

💊 TheDocuments.Info…

House Resolutions relating to gold/silver introduced by @RepAlexMooney make it hard to ignore the consistent incline of gold & silver prices for the last 20 yrs straight.

5 Yr Gold 🔼 +52%
5 Yr Silver 🔼 +53%

20 Yr Gold🔼 +532%
20 Yr Silver 🔼 +470%


"Guarantee Letter" Email
From @USTreasury's @USOCC
June 16, 2020

Regarding an audit performed by the @INTOSAI_SC_CA & @ICSID. Referring to a coming GCR, arrival of a currently running QFS, in accordance with the International Quantum Initiative Act.


The Real Reason For The 9/11 Planned Demolition Was To Block The Enactment By Announcement of NESARA Law, Signed Into Law By Then President Bill Clinton On October 10, 2000

October 10, 2000 @POTUS @BillClinton had no interest in signing NESARA into law due to his Deep State allegiance. However, under orders from U.S. military generals, the elite @USNavy Seals and Delta Force stormed the @WhiteHouse and under gunpoint forced @BillClinton to sign NESARA. During this time @SecretService and @WhiteHouse security personnel were ordered to stand down, disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order. From its very inception @GeorgeHWBush, the corporate government, major banks, and the Carlyle group (@OneCarlyle) strongly opposed NESARA.

To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official congressional registry, to reflect a commemorative coin and then again it was revised even more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public. Members of congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence or face charges of treason punishable by death.

The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA. The NESARA law requires that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the law to the public. Three then current U.S. Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement. These Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement. In 2001 after much negotiation the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass resolutions approving NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001.

On September 11, 2001 at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new @USTreasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS (@IRSnews) as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA. Just before the announcement at 9 AM, @GeorgeHWBush ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1 and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which was demolished later that day in order to coverup their crime. Remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon (@DeptofDefense) at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Command Center who were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its tracks, @GeorgeHWBush decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people. For the past 10 years, life in the USA, and numerous other countries, has been dictated by the staged terrorist attack and its repercussions. Seldom does a day go by that we do not hear mention of 9/11.

The truth about 9/11 was that the Pentagon (@DeptofDefense) and @MOSSADil privately contracted a military engineer to design nuclear atomic fission/fusion bombs which were laid out in advance on an entire closed off floor in each of the WTC buildings. This insider information was provided to me directly via the military engineer himself, veteran whistleblower Clarence Pate who has since been in hiding living off grid after numerous assassination attempts on him and his wife. To accomplish implementation of his design they used an Austrian art group known as "Gelatin" that was infiltrated by Israeli bomb specialists. By May 1, 2000 they received a temporary construction permit for their alleged project called the "B-Thing" which was to create a balcony off the 91st floor of WTC1. B-Thing could have very well stood for bomb thing, for all we know. The boxes seen in the photo are all labeled with "BB18" which corresponds to a type of fuse holder parts that could have been used for constructing the planned demolition explosives setups. The primary target was the NESARA administrative/enactment paperwork in the WTC buildings with a secondary purpose of using this false flag event to fuel the unnecessary war on terror.

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🔍"Developing Revelations: The Bountiful NESARA (National Economic Security & Reformation Act)"

🗳️ Dr. Jan On Rigged 2020 Election 🗳️

August 3, 2023 on @GBNEWS, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes (@RealDrJan1 / @Biz_Shrink / U.S. @DeptofDefense Task Force member) was interviewed to clarify the facts surrounding the rigged 2020 election, covering several topics including:

☑️ Donald Trump's (@realDonaldTrump) 2020 election court cases serve the purpose of introducing evidence legally through due process including subpoenas of his choosing.

☑️ Joe Bidan (@JoeBiden) is the @POTUS of the 1871 Bankrupted USA INC. whereas Donald Trump is the Commander-In-Chief (CIC) of the U.S. Republic.

☑️ U.S. Space Force (@SpaceForceDoD) has the real results of the rigged 2020 election, including the Kraken.

☑️ @DineshDSouza's 2000 Mules exposed phone geolocation data synced with surveillance footage of mail-in ballot dropping/harvesting operations.

☑️ The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) "has the goods" in reference to the rigged 2020 election evidence.

☑️ Trump knew there would have been civil war if he presented said evidence prior to showing the people how corrupt the Freemasonic Jesuit Illuminati deep state cabal was and how bad it could get if they were truly in control.

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🔍"Developing Revelations: The Bountiful NESARA (National Economic Security & Reformation Act)"

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