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reader, thinker, dreamer, storyteller / Humanities Instructor in ATL / #comics #APLitChat #THEBOOKCHAT #NCTEchat #DnD #ttrpgs

Feb 28, 2023, 25 tweets


I think the pictures & memories from today will be quite different. Learning a lot of hard history. We are prepared, asking questions, & listening with open hearts & minds. #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

Morning wake up calls were done in person. today.

We started a VERY cold morning meeting Brigitte, our tour guide around Munich for an in-depth look at Bavarian history and the World Wars… all leading up to understand why we visit a place like Dachau Concentration Camp later today. #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

The Greek square, one of the few outside of the country, is because of King Otto of Bavaria. The man behind the modern Olympics! We learned about how Munich is one of the few places to do in-depth Greek and Classic Studies. #MVInterim #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023

At this point, the 1st book burnings happened during Hitler’s reign. Hitler was drawn to Munich b/c it was an art capitol of Europe. Here, in front of the Antique Collection, books were burned to wipe out knowledge &beliefs contrary to the Third Reich.#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023

Einstein’s, Mann’s, and many others’ works were destroyed here. “Wherever they burn books, in the end they will also burn human beings.” — Heinrich Heine
#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

This music hall was created as a political propaganda powerhouse. You can see remnants of the Nazi swastikas in the black dots on the building. #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

At Professor Huber Platz outside Ludwig Maximilian University, we learned about Hans and Sophie Scholl, young students who defied the Nazi regime by writing pamphlets against the Nazi war machine. #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

The sixth pamphlet cost them their lives. To speak truth to power for peace and freedom takes strength and courage. 🕊️☮️🙏 Students the age of our travelers. #MVInterim #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023

Max Joseph Platz or the Opera Square.
Munich is known for this famous composer… Mozart because his family is from Bavaria! And Richard Strauss — known for “Also Sprache Zarathustra” — composed here in Munich.
#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

Richard Wagner composed many of his operas here and shown for the first time here in Munich. Sitting 3,200 people. 3 sophisticated stages. Opera is near the Residenz München the castle of former royal families. #MVInterim #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023

Learning about the Munich version of the “step stones.” Here in —Brave Alley— they commemorate the people who refused to do the Nazi salute and used this alley to escape certain stop points. #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

11/09/23 this is where the Hitler Putsch happened. Audience Square. #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

And finally, the end of the walking tour, is the Glockenspiel. #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

Everyone in the square had their phones out! #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

Then, quick 40 minutes of free time shopping in the Stadtzentrum! twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Natürlich ich mochte in die Buchhandlung kaufen. ❤️ that Persuasion is just _Anne Elliot_ in German.

After lunch, students had the opportunity to see the Carriage Museum at Nymphenburg Palace. #MVInterim #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023

We also had a chance to do a quick spin within the museum itself within Nymphenburg Palace seeing the grand foyer and a few rooms. The Festival room was a real highlight! #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

Rae especially loved the Festival room and took many photos! The chandeliers were gorgeous. 😍🔮💠
#MVInterim #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023

So many beautiful views and rooms. Such a grand palace indeed. #MVInterim #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023

Next up: Dachau Concentration Camp. No pictures for this part of the trip. #MVInterim #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023

Emily: “If you don’t know history, we can’t guide the future.”

Spending time preparing the experience on the bus is an important step.

Emily says many people call this a “thought place.” A place where we come to think, to reflect, to learn.

#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

The horrors of this place are not to be forgotten. We will get to see a bit of this inside. And we will support each other through this experience.

#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MvInterim

Emily says it is important for us to learn here. To take what we see here and bring back to our community in Atlanta, GA @TheMVSchool. We have to teach others.

#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

Back on the bus, Emily guides us through some reflection on what we learned and what we will do if this happens again in our world.

I think there were a lot of emotions this afternoon.

#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023

A bit of free time for that last minute souvenir in Munich Stadtzentrum. And off to dinner at Haufbrauhaus! Tried to get a bit of the band on the way to the table. #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim 🥨 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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