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Natural Weight Loss for High Performers. 22+ Lbs shed, NO Rebound. 💡 Detox | Parasite Cleanse | Liver & Kidney Cleanse. Tweets are not health/financial advice䷝

Feb 28, 2023, 25 tweets

The Human Body can be a Breeding Ground for PARASITES.

These Internal Invaders can Cause Harm to their Host, often without being noticed until it's too late...

Learn Effective Strategies to Eliminate Parasites and Expel Them!

Note: Not Professional Medical Ddvice. DYOR.🙏🏻🙏🏻

Parasites can enter the body through contaminated food (Raw Meat), water, and insect bites (e.g. Blackflies).

Parasites can also be transmitted from person to person (Faecal-oral transmission, sexual contact) or from animal to human.

#parasite #parasites #parasitedetox

Once parasites enter the body, they can multiply, leading to a range of potential symptoms:

- Fatigue
- Skin Rash or Hives
- Digestive Problems
- Bloating/Flatulence
- Neurological Issues
- Abnormal Weight Gain
- Blindness (Severe Cases)
- Weight Loss/Poor Appetite

The Meguro Parasitological Museum located in Tokyo is a remarkable exhibit showcasing the vast array of parasites in our world.

Boasting a collection of more than 60,000 specimens, this museum serves as a powerful reminder of the crucial need for vigilance and prevention.

Tapeworms are a prevalent type of parasite that can grow up to 30 feet long within the human intestine.

These parasites can induce a variety of symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, weight loss, and malnutrition.

Pinworms are tiny, pale-colored worms that typically inhabit the large intestine.

These parasites can provoke severe itching in the anal area, particularly at night.

If you notice a child or adult discreetly scratching their rear end, it could be a sign of pinworms.

Liver flukes are parasitic worms that have the ability to infect various organs including the liver and bile ducts.

These parasites can provoke a range of symptoms such as fever, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice.

Prevention remains the most effective means of defending against parasites, although natural remedies can also prove useful.

Let's begin by outlining some natural herbs that may provide relief.

Clove bud has been used for centuries to treat parasitic infections.

Another natural remedy is wormwood, which has been used to treat tapeworms and other parasitic infections.

It can be taken in capsule or tincture form.

Black Walnut Hull is a natural remedy with a long history of use in treating parasitic infections.

This herb contains bioactive compounds that possess anti-parasitic properties, which may aid in eliminating parasites and flushing them out of the body.

Note: Natural remedies and medications should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional!

Albendazole (Albenza) is a prescription medication that can be used to treat a range of parasitic infections, including tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms.

Mebendazole (sold as Vermox or Emverm) is a medication that can be employed to combat parasitic infections.

This drug has demonstrated effectiveness against an array of parasites including pinworms, whipworms, and hookworms, among others.

Fenbendazole is an anthelmintic medication that is frequently employed to combat parasitic infections in animals.

It has also been used off-label to treat certain types of cancer in humans. Look into Joe Tippens if you're interested in this topic.

Praziquantel is a medication used to treat various parasitic infections, including tapeworm and schistosomiasis.

It can be taken orally as a tablet or capsule, and the dosage and duration of treatment will depend on the specific condition being treated.

You are at WAR with these Parasites.

Warning: Viewer Discretion is Advised.

This bodybuilder was experiencing constant BLOATING and HUNGER.

Parasites Want to FEED 24/7/365.

Do you REALLY Think a Few Exercises Can Fix Your Dad Bod? Brother Please.

Here are some herbs/drugs to evaluate. I recommend picking up at least 4 DIFFERENT herbs/drugs.

Why get so many different ones?

Different herbs/drugs TARGET different parasites, thus increasing the likelihood of eliminating the specific parasite(s) that you are battling.

After you take these drugs/herbs, you will kill a lot of internal parasites.

Dead parasites are everywhere in your digestive tract.

You DO NOT want the dead carcasses just sitting around in your body!!

You MUST find a way to FLUSH Them OUT of your body.

Sharing with you my method for cleaning out the small intestine and colon.


- Water
- Fine Pink Salt
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- 3 Lemon/Limes Juice Squeezed or 1 Grapefruit Juice Squeezed
- Coffee (This is Optional)

The Night before, finish dinner before 19:30 (7:30 pm)

Next morning around 11:00 am on EMPTY Stomach, make this in Thermos:

- Add 1 Tbsp & 2 Tsp of Pink Salt
- Cut & Squeeze 3 Lemons/Limes
- Add 1/4 Cup ACV
- Add 3.5 cups of hot water. Stir.
- Add 2 cups of room temp water

1. Get another plastic bottle with 8+ cups of room-temperature water.

2. Sip the water, hold it in your mouth, then take a big gulp of the Thermos solution in 14/ and drink it down.

3. Sip on Coffee (Optional).

Repeat (1-3).

Goal: Finish the Thermos solution FIRST.

What this will do is produce an incredible laxative effect.

This is how I would go about it. I would take some anti-parasites (herbal/drugs) for a few days. On a weekend, I would do this protocol to flush out the dead parasites.

This is an ALL-OUT WAR💥

You need to begin to Understand How Your Food Canal & Digestive System Works.

Where does Food go after you eat it? It goes through a VERY Long Pipe.

Mouth→Pharynx→Esophagus→ Stomach→Small Intestine→Large Intestine→Rectum→Anus

What goes in, MUST go out! 👇🏻👇🏻

Would You Like to Improve Your Gut Health by Eliminating Internal Parasites?

✅Take the 1st Step by getting this FREE PDF

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✅Take the 2nd Step: Invest in Yourself.

- Clean Your Small & Large Intestines
- Eliminate Parasites Living Inside of You
- Flush Parasites Out of Your Body Using All-Natural Ingredients

→ Click This Link Below 👇🏼👇🏼
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