Cam Harless Profile picture
disciple of the slain lamb

Mar 1, 2023, 60 tweets

every american president, but they're all cool and they all sport a mullet

46. Joe Biden

45. Donald Trump

44. Barack Obama

43. George W. Bush

42. Bill Clinton

41. George H.W. Bush

40. Ronald Reagan

39. Jimmy Carter

38. Gerald Ford

37. Richard Nixon

36. Lyndon B. Johnson

35. John F. Kennedy

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower

33. Harry S. Truman

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt

31. Herbert Hoover

30. Calvin Coolidge

29. Warren G Harding

28. Woodrow Wilson

27. William Howard Taft

26. Theodore Roosevelt

25. William McKinley

24. Grover Cleveland

23. Benjamin Harrison

22. Grover Cleveland

21. Chester A Arthur

20. James A Garfield

19. Rutherford B. Hayes

18. Ulysses S. Grant

17. Andrew Johnson

16. Abraham Lincoln

15. James Buchanan

14. Franklin Pierce

13. Millard Fillmore

12. Zachary Taylor

11. James K. Polk

10. John Tyler

9. William Henry Harrison

8. Martin Van Buren

7. Andrew Jackson

6. John Quincy Adams

5. James Monroe

4. James Madison

3. Thomas Jefferson

2. John Adams

1. George Washington

for the purists since it didn't want to give me a mullet and I had to try 7 times

an alternative

an alternative


bald man mullets are wild

Adding the best president we ever had, Benjamin Franklin, for our boy @3YearLetterman.

Alright, dudes. I made a poster for all who have mentioned or asked for one.

You can grab one on my etsy here:…

Feel free to look around and see if there's anything else that pops out at you.

Let me know if you want a shirt and I will put one together.

And here's one that says "Murica" for those who prefer that life.…

I also made a couple of shirts if you want to sport one of these new, iconic looks.

You can vote to Make Beer Cold Again or Listen Here, Jack.

If you want any others, let me know and I'll come up with something more.…

I made a couple of shirts, too.

Also made some for LBJ if you want that big Johnson energy.…

Adding Alexander Hamilton for the many people who requested him.

And here's an alternate Alexander Hamilton with a slightly less mullet vibe.

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