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Mar 1, 2023, 9 tweets

.@Hersheys is putting the face of a trans-"woman" on chocolate bar wrappers with "HerShe" highlighted in honor of international women's day.
Hershey's is erasing women.

And... the man in the video blocked me.

#BoycottHersheys is trending at number 6.
Hershey's is erasing women by putting biological men in their place for international women's day.
Let's get #BoycottHersheys to # 1.

#BoycottHersheys is now trending at #4.
Let's get it to #1.

#BoycottHersheys is currently trending at #2.
Let's get it to #1.

#BoycottHersheys had been gone from trending, but it's back now at #6.
Let's get #BoycottHersheys to #1.

And we're back at #1!

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