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Film & TV Reviews 🇮🇪

Mar 1, 2023, 28 tweets

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (100-91):

100. Inception
99. There Will Be Blood
98. Airplane!
97. No Country for Old Men
96. Men in Black
95. American Psycho
94. The Social Network
93. Goldfinger
92. Minority Report
91. Rain Man
#BestMoviesOfAllTime #BestFilmsOfAllTime

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (90-81):

90. Memento
89. 12 Angry Men
88. Django Unchained
87. High Fidelity
86. Almost Famous
85. Man on Fire (2004)
84. Bowling for Columbine
83. My Left Foot
82. Saw (2004)
81. Sin City
#BestMoviesOfAllTime #BestFilmsOfAllTime

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (80-71):

80. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
79. Toy Story 2
78. T2: Judgment Day
77. The Return of the King
76. Saving Private Ryan
75. Stand by Me
74. Go
73. A Clockwork Orange
72. The Princess Bride
71. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (70-61):

70. The Wicker Man
69. Blue Velvet
68. Citizen Kane
67. The Thing
66. Forrest Gump
65. The Evil Dead
64. The Shining
63. Drive
62. Unforgiven
61. The French Connection
#BestMoviesOfAllTime #BestFilmsOfAllTime

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (60-51):

60. The Green Mile
59. Batman Begins
58. True Romance
57. Evil Dead II
56. Inglourious Basterds
55. The Prestige
54. Kick-Ass
53. Casablanca
52. Die Hard
51. Being John Malkovich
#BestMoviesOfAllTime #BestFilmsOfAllTime

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (50-41):

50. Miller's Crossing
49. Raiders of the Lost Ark
48. Gladiator
47. Casino
46. Chinatown
45. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
44. Once Upon a Time in America
43. Jurassic Park
42. The Exorcist
41. Aliens

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (40-31):

40. Good Will Hunting
39. Seven
38. Rushmore
37. Alien
36. Toy Story
35. The Truman Show
34. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
33. City of God
32. Leon
31. There's Something About Mary

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (30-21):

30. The Departed
29. A Prophet
28. Raging Bull
27. The Big Lebowski
26. American Beauty
25. Heat
24. Platoon
23. Donnie Darko
22. The Royal Tenenbaums
21. Scarface (1983)
#BestMoviesOfAllTime #BestFilmsOfAllTime

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (20):

20. Magnolia

"Respect the cock! And tame the cunt!"

Paul Thomas Anderson's epic awesome melodrama gave Tom Cruise the opportunity to do his best ever work. Frank TJ Mackey is a fascinating character, a charlatan televangelist who preaches……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (19):

19. The Matrix

"There is no spoon.”

In 2020, I had watched this sci-fi cyberpunk classic twice already. However, after lockdown was over, and all the theatres were showing were old movies, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see 𝘛𝘩𝘦……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (18):

18. The Dark Knight

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

Heath Ledger's portrayal of The Joker is still the best……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (17):

17. Fargo

"And for what? For a little bit of money? There's more to life than a little money, you know. Don'tcha know that? And here ya are, and it's a beautiful day."

It's time for another bit of glorious hyperbole; the Coen Brothers'……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (16):

16. The Godfather: Part II

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

Francis Ford Coppola's 1974 crime drama classic contrasts the personalities of father and son. The film examines the corrupting influence of power, and is still……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (15):

15. Back to the Future

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."

Great Scott!, Robert Zemeckis' masterpiece will be 38 years old this June, a sci-fi that's pure escapism……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (14):

14. L.A. Confidential

"... Rollo Tamasi."

The late great, Curtis Hanson, gave the cinematic world the perfect delight that was 𝘓.𝘈. 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘭 (the greatest ever neo-noir crime movie) back in 1997. And although I'm a fan of……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (13):

13. Taxi Driver

"Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man."

Martin Scorsese's bleak drama was his first perfect film. The finest……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (12):

12. Jaws

"You're gonna need a bigger boat."

When Steven Spielberg made his first perfect film, he wasn't just making a monster movie, he was also inventing the summer blockbuster whilst creating the greatest horror film ever made. There are……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (11):

11. The Shawshank Redemption

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things & no good thing ever dies."

Frank Darabont's perfect masterpiece is the greatest prison film ever made. The conclusion is guaranteed to make any grown man, child,……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (10):
10. Reservoir Dogs
"I don't give a good fuck what you know, or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless."

I doubt anyone would disagree with the reality that Quentin Tarantino's first full-length feature film is the greatest……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (9):

9. Boogie Nights

"I got a feeling that behind those jeans is something wonderful just waiting to get out."

It blows my mind that Paul Thomas Anderson was just 26 years old when he made his masterpiece, one of those rare perfect films. It has……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (8):

8. Schindler’s List

"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."

Without doubt, this 1993 epic historical drama is Steven Spielberg's masterpiece. No other filmmaker could have found exactly the right balance between respect and……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (7):

7. Fight Club

"The things you own end up owning you."

I know I'm breaking Tyler Durden's first and second rule right now, but this film about consumerism is one of my all time favourites. David Fincher's masterpiece is an anarchic and……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (6):

6. Trainspotting

"There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?"

Danny Boyle's masterpiece is without question, the greatest British film ever made. A perfect piece of art. It's one of the films I've seen the most. If……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (5):

5. Apocalypse Now

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning."

All of Francis Ford Coppola's 70s films are extraordinary. This epic piece of filmmaking is the greatest ever war film, featuring the finest ever performance from Martin Sheen,……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (4):

4. The Usual Suspects

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist."

The amount of people who have told me they feel too uncomfortable to rewatch this perfect movie is bewildering. Just because Kevin……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (3):

3. Pulp Fiction

"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"

I've always loved Quentin Tarantino's masterpiece. So much so that about 23 years ago I ripped the audio off the DVD & converted it to a……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (2):

2. Goodfellas

"As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster."

This 1990 biographical crime movie is Martin Scorsese's masterpiece and the career high for everyone involved. Organised crime films are my favourite. The……

The Top 100 Movies of All Time (1):

1. The Godfather

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."

It was this time last year that I saw the greatest film of all time in the cinema for the first time, and I had such an amazing time. Francis Ford Coppola’s masterpiece……

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