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reader, thinker, dreamer, storyteller / Humanities Instructor in ATL / #comics #APLitChat #THEBOOKCHAT #NCTEchat #DnD #ttrpgs

Mar 2, 2023, 21 tweets

We start the morning at breakfast reflecting on quotes from our great German figures debate last night. And we start to prepare for a walking tour designed by students!
#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

Planning is key to designing a good activity — as these students are learning.
#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

Working together is a key mindset @ @TheMVSchool — Collaborator, Innovator, and Creative Thinker skills they learn on campus will help them with this activity designed by Emily.
#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

First stop, Hofkirche - largest medieval style court church in Luzern. #MVInterim #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023

At each stop, the students prepared a performance. Here, at the Lion Monument, a poetry reading:

“For in his heart he bears the weight
Of soldiers that lost their life to fate.”
— Lion Monument

#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

Climbing the hill to hear about William Tell and the story of how he defied the cultural norms of his time. And a sight of the oldest clock in Luzern.

It rings one minute earlier than every other clock in the city.

#MVInterim #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023

Next, Mullenplatz to learn about Swiss banks!

Mullenplatz - known for its water mills — is the largest square in Luzern.
#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim #MVInterim2023

Then a walk across the Death Bridge:
Spreuer Bridge - Death paintings to remind you of the stages of life and death. All the pleasures we will have on earth with end when death comes. Reminder to have a good life.
#MVInterim #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023

Next, a stop at Hirschplatz — learning about the complexity of whether or not Swiss banks were neutral post-World War II. #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

Here, we learn about the origins of the Swiss confederacy via poetry performance in front of the Cantons Building
“Once upon a time in 1231…”
#MVInterim #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023

Finally, an ode to the Swiss flag!
#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023

To conclude the walking tour, Emily guided us through Kappelbrucke, the oldest covered bridge in the city of Lucerne.
#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

For lunch…. FONDUE

#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

Before our afternoon activity, students had the opportunity to hang out at a park across from the museum.
#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

Why is it that the public parks bring so much joy in the trip? Who knows? 🤷
#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

So we went to the Swiss Chocolate Experience and the Transportation Museum…

Let’s just say these were quite different experience.

#MVInterim2023 #MVInterim #MVEurope2023

Some students got to hangout in a jet plane. Others in a cocoa bean.
#MVInterim2023 #MVInterim #MVEurope2023

And of course some people were sad when the ride broke down. But you know… mechanical engineering just wasn’t on our side today.
#MVInterim #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023

We end the night by passing out prizes for all of the World Strides challenges! What an amazing trip!? #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

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