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Mar 2, 2023, 25 tweets

JobBas AU

• • • FWB • • •

Job POV ; He just needs me when he fights with his GF or in need for sex. But what can I do? I love him.

Bas POV ; Stop saying you love me, we're just friends.

Also Bas ; Hold me.

Tag ; #JobBas

From this universe ;

S T A R T ⬇️

Okay 👍

Nangis di pojokan 🚿


Next day.


Lo tau apa?

Self-centered jerk.

Dan seminggu pun berlalu.

Kue kebanyakan.

Mental pembantu.

Kasih Bas aja.

Ijepp si paling bomat 🤣👍

But he created a way for Bas, anyway 🤣👍

Tidak berubah. Tetap kasar kamu dik👍

Bener? 🤔


Nanya lagi lo babi 😡

I don't care.

Good bye.


Kritik and saran here ;


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