Uniswap Labs 🦄 Profile picture
The largest onchain marketplace. Buy and sell crypto on Ethereum and 8+ other chains.

Mar 3, 2023, 11 tweets

1/ Introducing the Uniswap mobile wallet 🦄✨

A completely self-custodial, open-sourced mobile app from the most trusted name in DeFi.

Now available as a limited early release - through Apple TestFlight.

2/ We’re bringing the power of Uniswap to your pocket.

🔁 Swap on and switch seamlessly between Mainnet, @0xPolygon, @arbitrum, & @optimismFND.

🚀 Send and receive ERC20 tokens

3/ Track ERC20s, NFTs, & your favorite wallets 🔒

💖 Stay up to date at a glance by favoriting tokens & wallet addresses

👀 See activity feeds for your wallets & the wallets you follow

🌎 Discover top tokens by market cap, price charts, or volume

4/ Explore Web3 🌐

🤝 Connect to any app on Mainnet or L2s with a smooth @WalletConnect experience

🔗 Use web3 apps on different networks at the same time

5/ 🔔 Get notified when your transactions complete, even if you made them on another device

☁️ Choose to unlock your wallet w/ FaceID & back up your seed phrase manually or encrypted in iCloud

6/ Security & code from the most trusted name in DeFi🔒

✅ Self-custodial, open-source, & audited by @trailofbits.

Check out the open-source repo here:

7/ So why a limited early release from a team committed to access for anyone? Simply put, Apple won’t green-light our launch, & we don’t know why.

We submitted our mobile app months ago—and even though we are 100% compliant with their specifications, we’re still stuck in limbo🤡

8/ So, if we have to wait for Apple, we thought it’d be more fun if we waited together🤝

That’s why we’re opening up our internal TestFlight app to 10,000 users (max we can have w/o Apple’s approval 😞), so that our community can experience the magic of the Uniswap mobile wallet

9/ Starting today, we’ll be sharing access codes across multiple channels and timezones in order to reach as many parts of our community as possible—So make sure you follow us, join our Discord, & turn on post notifications!! 🔔

10/ We’re starting by sharing a huge round of early release access to anyone at @EthereumDenver!

Stop by our booth in the DeFi track to be the first to download the Uniswap mobile wallet 🤩

11/ Check out the full details of our mobile wallet and the release in our blog!


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