Birder K Profile picture
She/her Just another broke girl w/binoculars. Will answer bird feeder questions! CashApp $KBirder PayPal below.

Mar 4, 2023, 17 tweets

It’s dark and cold out, a good day for sleeping, but birds need to be seen!

#birds #birding #birders #BirderProblems

Grabbed my friend and away we go!

Long day. Now to collapse at hotel. Detoured for a crane that wasn’t there but enjoyed many Horned Larks. Despite a chilly rain, we found our 1 target species for the day. Not sure exotic-but-established deserve #LiferPie, so settled for McDs cinnamon roll😂 #BirdsSeenIn2023…


Second #LiferPie moment of the trip yesterday with a Greater Prairie-Chicken in Wisconsin! Today will be my first day at the famous Sax Zim Bog!

Day 1 at SZB:
Lifer Pine Grosbeaks, more Evening Grosbeaks then I’ve seen in my lifetime, best looks ever of Boreal Chickadees, and my lifer ermine! We’re headed back in the morning to look for more birds!! (Ermine pic taken by my friend, rest of the pics mine.)

Me: I want to see owls at Sax Zim Bog!

*monkey paw finger curls*

(It was cute and lovely, don’t get me wrong! Just not where my mind was when I think SZB owls😅)

We’re headed back today and at a much earlier hour because we’re, you know, birders😂

Moon is so bright out on our drive. Saw a snowshoe hare bounding across the road!!

By the light of the moon,
Lifer dreams come true!

#LiferPie time
#birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023

Yesterday’s other lifer is Sharp-tailed Grouse. Got to watch them lekking! #BirdsSeenIn2023

Today we are further north, attempting to find a woodpecker with 3 toes.

Today’s lows were low, but the highs were stratospheric. The 1st spot we visited for our target woodpecker (after nearly two hours of driving) was being logged😩 We found several other spots that showed signs of recent activity, but we saw neither hide nor feather of our bird…

We also didn’t luck into any Spruce Grouse which had been seen in the area recently. However, got to hear a Northern Goshawk calling for the first time and we picked up a year bird with a flock of White-winged Crossbills, which was pretty cool.

With the onset of evening, we headed back to Sax Zim. Maybe we’d catch some Great Grays again.

Hey, what’s that blob in the distance?
Could it be…?!
It’s flying this way!

I’d made my peace with the fact that Northern Hawk Owls were unlikely on this trip, so to say I was ecstatic to watch this bird hunt tonight would be an understatement!

#LiferPie time!
#birds #birding #birders #owls

Yesterday was our last day at the bog. We spent it trying to see more Snowshoe Hares and a Pine Marten, but did add one last bird to our trip list with a Ruffed Grouse. We also saw the Hawk Owl again a couple times throughout the day.

Spent time enjoying some boreal birds one last time as well. Today, we start working our way back east, via the UP.

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