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Mar 5, 2023, 15 tweets

Thread on ep 22 🧵 #YaliCapkini

I watched it now & wanted to share my thoughts 💭 what I think y’all should bare in mind.

First I’ll say, neither seyran or ferit are 100% right. I see both sides & theres a middle ground. They’re trying their best.

Gulgun's perspective was spot on. They’re both young, inexperienced, in-love, figuring out marriage, while dealing with external pressures that regular couples wouldn’t have +

G tells seyran their feelings for e/o are special & more than enough reason to trust. She’s right - people don’t change over night, you can learn through genuine love & choose to be better partners. #YaliCapkini #SeyFer

F thinks he’s protecting Seyran’s feelings, he also knows she’s understanding. But everything has its limits. He also knows P is emotionally unstable & partly blames himself for it. #YaliCapkini

Falling inlove with seyran was unexpected, it made him feel guilty about his past choices with P bc he understands what love is now & he’s growing without P’s toxicity. He needs to see P never truly loved him, that’ll only happen if he closes the chapter himself. #YaliCapkini

+ it’s strange how some ppl take P’s words so seriously but disregard everything genuine about Ferit & the story line. Are we watching the same show? Why are y’all acting like it’s narrated by Pollution & everything she says is the truth 😂 + #YaliCapkini #SeyFer

F feels like he owes her closure & he needs it to move on. Just like Seyran did with Yusuf in the beginning. Except pelin is 10000x more manipulative than Yusuf. He needs to end it himself to see through her facade, like seyran saw Yusuf’s +
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Remember how seyran blindly trusted yusuf bc of their history, but it broke when he blatantly lied?
Well, It’s the same with F. He considers P a naive loyal friend UNTIL he sees otherwise + #YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Seyran felt like she owed yusuf an explanation, but F didn’t see it that way. Now ferit wants to give P closure, but S will misunderstand it like F did when she defended Yusuf.

#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Trust in the process. F has NEVER shown love like this to any girl. It’s easy to take scenes out of context if your not focusing on the bigger picture. Ignore little insignificant scenes with pollution out of a 2 hour episode #YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Manipulation tactic 1;
“look after your mother and wife already” - Translation; you need to control them bc their hurting us & are the reason for our separation.

Manipulation tactic 2:
“was I really important to you?” She wanted reassurance. But with seyran, she was confident telling her that he’ll always return. Again - twisting her words, bc what she really meant was I’ll manipulate him into returning.
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Seyran’s n.1 issue is being paranoid about trusting F

Ferit’s n.1 issue is always feeling insecure about seyran perception of him.

Their both right, their emotions are heightened bc they’re in love. Once they understand each other, these insecurities will fade


F loves S assertiveness, but to a degree. Their marriage shouldn’t feel like another parent controlling him - his wife should be someone he can turn to, to have fun, live out their love. Or else it’ll be back to square 1

#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

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