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Mar 5, 2023, 10 tweets

Kinesis is a real innovator in crypto

Don't want the price of your shitcoin to collapse? No problem, make the market buy only!

Of course this only works if your shitcoin is traded on a single exchange you control




Wait a sec

"There are some community members that have been serving as market makers in the interim period (e.g.: @Forsytjr) He's generous and gives out discounts and I have bought from him too. Can recommend."

🤔😕 Are "community members" licensed to sell securities?

It's critical for Kinesis to keep the price of $KVT propped up because if it drops below $1,000 they have to use some of their rapidly declining revenue to support the price or else renege on yet another commitment.…

"A minimum of 5% of total transaction fees goes towards buying back token"

How can that be true if there is no market for $KVT holders to sell their tokens?

Why aren't $KVT holders angry about this?

Kinesis did renege on their commitment to start paying $KVT yields by the end of 2021

The $KVT has fallen a tad bit short on Kinesis' yield projections

For the first four years $KVT has yielded less than $20 per token, none of which has been paid yet.

That's less than 2% ROI for 4 years.

Even though the yields on a per token basis are abysmal, the total owed to all $KVT holders is almost $5 million USD

Anybody else wonder if the reason they haven't paid yields is because they don't have the money?

16:43: “In 2018 we opened our ITO and sold approximately 197,000 tokens with a par value of $197 million making it the tenth largest ICO in history at the time.”

Nobody really believes this, do they?

If Kinesis was swimming in cash, why would they let ABX drown in debt?

And why would they delay $KVT token buy-back and yield payments?…

This thread is dedicated to CrypticMystic who is having a conversation with himself (or herself) about how we're driving $KVT sales up


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