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I write about self-custody, cybersecurity, and building a #Bitcoin company | CEO & Cofounder of Casa @CasaHODL, the safest way to store your bitcoin

Mar 5, 2023, 11 tweets

The @yugalabs TwelveFold auction will likely result in some incredibly valuable inscriptions, and could be an inflection point for ordinals on bitcoin.

While wallet tech for ordinals is super early, we jumped on it this week to define the safest way to store ordinals with Casa👇

The benefit to using Casa to secure high value ordinals is that you have multiple keys protecting your inscriptions. This means if you lose a key, you don't lose your inscription (or your bitcoin!).

Get started by setting up your first vault. A vault is 3 keys that protect one wallet. With Casa, one key is held on your phone, one on a hardware wallet, and one by Casa itself to help you recover funds if you lose a key.

If you already use a hardware wallet, setup is simple.

Next, add a sub-account to your vault dedicated to storing ordinals & inscriptions. This ensures your UTXO's remain separated from your main stash of bitcoin, and you don't accidentally send an ordinal when making other bitcoin transactions.

When you receive an ordinal to Casa, make sure you store one ordinal per address. Casa will give you a new address for each received transaction: don't re-use addresses for multiple received transactions (bonus - this is a good bitcoin privacy practice too!)

Label your ordinal in Casa to make sure you can keep track of your different inscriptions.

Then, if you later want to send your ordinal to another person, you'll select the specific labeled address where it's stored.

Since ordinal support in wallets is so early, it's critical to follow the "1 in, 1 out" rule.

This means keeping one ordinal UTXO stored in a single address within Casa, and when you send it elsewhere, using the "Send Max" feature to send that entire UTXO (and only that one) out

We recommend using a lower fee, so you don't accidentally send an ordinal to a miner. This is an interesting part of ordinal theory that we explain more here:…

As ordinals grow, we expect to see tools get better for using them, and some of these difficulties will be handled for you.

In the meantime, it feels a bit like the #reckless days of early Lightning. Fun, but you need to be extra careful! Especially w/ high value inscriptions.

We've written a bunch of guides to help people navigate the ordinals landscape.

What else do you want to know about ordinals?…

If you're not a Casa member and ready to upgrade your security for your ordinals and inscriptions, go here to sign up:…

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