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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Mar 6, 2023, 20 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 3.6 Little ones love the big one

School pupils stand at attention with a religious fervor.
(note: this is not about Lei Feng, hero though he is.
This time it's another odd character with trumped-up accomplishments that kids are being forced to worship)

It's what makes kids run, or at least run faster.
It's a cult taught in the classroom, giving rise to giddy daydreams: Shall we invite Chairman Xi to visit our school? If only Xi could come!

The Chairman sends regrets, but hello kids!.
The kind of letter that changes lives!

We shall take the Chairman's encouragement as the lodestone of our little lives. It's our motivation.

Maybe one day we can be memorialized like the perfect communist children in the statues!

In adult news, it turns out that grownups too, as much as any little starstruck pupil, like to look up to the big man.
When he enters the room, applaud long and loud
Take your seats like good pupils
Start taking notes.
(Here seen lecturing on women's rights)

Sorry. Can't get enough of this stuff.

The four horseman of the....

In other news, another meeting.
Applaud, rinse and repeat.

Here come da' judge...

Praise for the man comes from all quarters.

In other news, more meetings still.
The twin meetings, CPPCC and NPC continue to meet, giving meeting-watchers an embarrassment of riches.
The people with outrageous hats can be ignored, but
not Xi's old military buddy.

Run down to your local state-run bookshop.
It may be devoid of content, but with Xi featured as the protagonist in so many books, the shelves are far from empty.

The spinning globe is a cue to brace yourself for some international news.

But, rest assured. It's nothing to worry about! Not yet. The top story is about how the whole world is talking about China, expressing their excitement about the "Two Meetings" being convened in Beijing.
(Laos, Singapore, US, Brasil)

And from a French international expert:
"The Two Meetings are not just a huge deal in China, but a big deal for the whole world!"

Now fasten your seatbelts, it's Nord Stream time.
Today's daily allotment has the usual outrage from Germany, this time its the economic angle.
The US is starving the EU of energy.
(Thanks to sanctions, too.)

But the big "get" today is Dennis Kucinich
former mayor of Cleveland, Ohio and a former congressman (here identified only by last name)

He's very interested in the article by journalist Seymour Hersh and wants answers.

In other news, CCTV, which has been gushing with deeply solicitous human feeling about the fate of an inert pipeline, seems to have nothing but admiration for Russia's exercise of murder "might is right" in Ukraine

pro-tip: Don't call it a war of invasion. It's just a "conflict"

It would be so much better for the Belt and Road and China's desire to do business in Europe if Ukraine just stopped resisting and thus brought peace to a lucrative market
This demonstration in Austria in favor of neutrality echoes China's principled stance:
"US is a warmonger"

But before we go, some scenic beauty around China that underscores the happy and harmonious herd-like behavior of sheep.

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