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Boldly defending IL children & communities on many issues. They can’t cancel us. Founder/Pres @Shannon_A_IL; Dir. @cattleguy92

Mar 7, 2023, 17 tweets

Module 3 of the @Awake_IL #NoSIR Series, National Sex Ed Lessons, Grace 6:

“Gender Expressions”
“Person with a Vulva” instead of “girl”
CDC has “done their homework and is accurate”
Directs kids to Planned Parenthood

Lessons are for 11 year olds.

The lessons come from the National Sex Ed Standards (#NSES) designed by radical sex activists Comprehensive Sexual Education/NSES were signed into law by @GovPritzker in August ‘21. He’s now backing school board candidates who want to push these grooming lessons on minors.

The #NSES lessons K-2 are in Module 1 and 3-5 in Module 2 . Each video is 4/5 min long. Start at Module 1 to see how the #gender #grooming starts in Kindergarten. Teachers message us daily with their concerns over #NSES lessons.

.@AdvocatesTweets Grade 6 lesson 2: Gender Roles, Gender Expectations uses “they” pronouns instead of her/him and “person with a vulva” instead of “girl”/“woman”.

The lesson homework asks children to consider what they may do differently if they were the opposite sex and asks which sex has more gender “fluidity”.

.@AdvocatesTweets Grade 6, Lesson 6 “Liking and Loving-Now and When I’m Older” has kids describe 3 types of sexual intercourse. Abstinence is referenced last.

.@AdvocatesTweets Grade 6, Lesson 6 “Being a Sex Ed Sleuth” directs kids to @Sexetc and Planned Parenthood.

.@AdvocatesTweets Grade 6, Lesson 7 “Being a Sex Ed Sleuth” PowerPoint asks students to look for religious bias that “may limit the extent of the sexually-related info”.

@AdvocatesTweets Grade 6, Lesson 7 “Being a Sex Ed Sleuth” PowerPoint directs students to @nemours, a radical clinic in Delaware that is engaged in unethical treatment of minors.

@AdvocatesTweets Grade 6, Lesson 7 “Being a Sex Ed Sleuth” PowerPoint teacher script contains propaganda statements re/@CDCgov: “ they’ve done their homework and the info. is accurate”. The CDC is facing intense scrutiny for lacking transparency and questionable agendas in recent……

.@kellyske, a CA mom, researcher, and expert on the @CDCgov #WSCC model discussed the lacking parental awareness on the agendas being pushed in public schools; clip is from the @Moms4Liberty 2.6.23 podcast w/@4TiffanyJustice

Parents across the county agree that Comp. Sex Education is desensitizing children to the concept of their bodies while overstepping parental rights boundaries. Visit for optout forms to protect your child. h/t @libertycounsel @CourageHabit

To our knowledge, this #NoSIR series is the only audio/visual program that describes the background of #NSES & presents @AdvocatesTweets lessons by grade. Please share the videos with parents. Grades 7-12 lessons will be posted soon.

Lastly, our nonprofit organization operates thanks to the efforts of unpaid volunteers. Your donations are greatly appreciated to help us continue providing advocacy resources.…
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