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I'm writing a book on how to stay conscious when you drown

Mar 7, 2023, 11 tweets

Stoke City made a £29m loss from day to day operations in 21/22, down from £46m the previous year but…. #SCFC

…player sale profits reduced this by £10m. A loan from Bet365 of £120m that was never going to be repaid has been formally agreed as never going to be repaid

Stoke had over £50m in the bank at end of 21/22. Excluding the unusual stadium sale profits and debt write off the club has made operating losses over the years of £233 million.

Stoke spent £35m more than they generated in 21/22 from day to day running of the club. This was effectively funded by reducing the club’s cash balance.

Revenue ⬇️ £10m as ⬆️ in matchday and hospitality could not offset end of parachute payments

Amortisation (transfer fees spread over contract life) halved as more players left club at end of 20/21. Rent up £4m due to selling stadium previous season and now renting it back. Transfer fee write downs of £700k, fans can probably guess to whom this relates

Wages ⬇️ 26% as PL contracts expire. Average wage now just £17,300 a week, so may have to reduce number of toppings when players are buying an oat cake. Wages £120 for every £100 of income

Stoke bought players for £5.9m. Players who originally cost £81m left at end of contract or were sold for £15m

Club has no external debt and now owes Bet365 just £90m

Stoke may have to pay up to £3m in add ons for players

Stoke estimate COVID costs in 21/22 were just under £4m. Club has not signed any players for fees in 22/22 but has sold players for £18.5m

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