Kit Klarenberg ๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป Profile picture
"Dangerous individual". Half of @ActiveMeasures8. Tipoffs/leaks/hatemail: Baksheesh:

Mar 7, 2023, 8 tweets

๐Ÿงต: Interesting flurry of critical reporting on Nord Stream sabotage today. Of course, major motivation is damage control following Sy Hersh's article, but I suggest overriding purpose is preparing the ground for Ukraine to be comprehensively thrown under the bus by the West.

NYT careful not to blame Zelensky personally, but throughout there are nudges and winks. A "pro-Ukrainian group" was responsible. Ukraine had "most logical potential motive to attack the pipelines." It might have been conducted by a "proxy force" connected to Kiev.

Near the end, we get to the crunch. "Ukrainian involvement could upset relationship [with] Germany, souring public support...Findings that put blame on Kyiv could prompt backlash in Europe and make it harder for the West to maintain a united front in support of Ukraine."

Then, hours later, Zeit reports the boat from which the Nord Stream attacks were carried out was "rented by a company owned by Ukrainians." It's unknown who ordered the action, but "traces lead" to Kiev.

"Western secret service" said to have tipped off "European partners" a "Ukrainian commando", part of a "pro-Ukraine group" was responsible. Remarkably unambiguous how this information has been known for some time and sat on, waiting for the day its release will be most impactful.

Despite all that, German investigators still pulling punches. They claim to not yet know "who commissioned the suspected group of perpetrators," and are considering whether it was a false flag, but have no evidence it was. Awaiting greenlight to 'burn' a Ukrainian gov patsy?

ADDENDUM: I was sceptical of Hersh's revelations, not least due to Britain's absence. Very striking passage in NYT report states "no American or British nationals involved." That could be true - Chris Donnelly's criminal network has an overseas component #IntegrityInitiative

Re-reading the article, attempt to distance US from Ukrainian actions is as farcical as it is marked. It's not the first time we've been told Washington has absolutely no idea what Kiev is up to (๐Ÿ™„), but *condemning* those acts certainly is.

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