Asha Rangappa Profile picture
Fmr FBI Special Agent, lawyer, @JacksonYale. Tiger(ish) mom. @abc legal contributor. Editor @just_security. Steam mop influencer. Views mine.

Mar 7, 2023, 9 tweets

I'm reading the report by House Judiciary Committee Dems on the "whistleblowers" that Jim Jordan has brought in for his weaponization committee. HOO BOY. Jim does NOT want you to read this report, because it pre bunks a lot of his best material. So read it…

This is the position of one of his *star witnesses*. 🤦🏾‍♀️Please bookmark this for when the GOP MAGAs claim that Democrats want to "defund the police." This guy...literally wants to defund the police

The other star witness. Who literally have no firsthand knowledge of what they are testifying to. Remember when Republicans were screaming "hEaRsAY!!!" all the time during the January 6 hearings? 😂

Oh, they are also funded by sugar daddy Ka$h Patel. As in receiving cash money and lawyers (who apparently now claim to be representing them pro bono) 🙄

BTW Jim Jordan is asking for $2 million a year and a "reserve fund" of $15 million to conduct this and his other "investigations"…

Just one of the witnesses knowingly appearing on Russian propaganda networks...while he was still an FBI employee nothing to see here 😬😬😬

LOL the Republicans' own witnesses are contradicting the claims Jim has made about what he will "prove" (this is just one many others to screenshot) 🤣

Have to go teach so am stopping before Section II, which is all about how these guys are funded by Patel. Who works at the Center for Renewing America (CRA) ⬇️

P.S. Don't forget that Jim tried to bamboozle the public before with his "1000 Page Report on FBI & DOJ Politicization"...which consisted mainly of 94 copies of one 5-page letter 🤣

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