Matthew Donegan-Ryan Profile picture
Tesla news breaker and 15x Tesla 🚗 owner | Event tech M&A advisor | new venture: @fajansa

Mar 7, 2023, 11 tweets


I was lucky enough to be one of the 50 retail $TSLA shareholders invited to attend Investor Day last week and I'm sharing EXCLUSIVE new info about the Tesla Semi I'm this video, plus including the highlights below:

Some of these insights have been leaked in the past, but today I’m sharing what was confirmed to me plus adding some of my own commentary.

What I’m sharing is accurate today. But Tesla vehicles are never “pencils down” & Tesla is also improving in sometimes weekly iterations.……

Autopilot and Full Self Driving:
- The Semi does have all the necessary FSD hardware, but they are still programming/configuring it to the Semi.
- Vision based Traffic-Aware Cruise Control is currently active as are other autonomous features.

- I asked if that included Autosteer and got a “no comment on other AP/FSD features.”

- The semi will not require mobile cameras to be added to the trailer it is towing. All FSD functionality will function using the cameras on the tractor.

EXCLUSIVE: Tesla website currently says all 3 motors will be on the rear axles, this has changed. The Tesla Semi has 3 motors, one on each axle. The two rear axles have “torque” motors for accelerating/hill climbing (likely means hairpin motors) and a “cruising” motor on the……

- This means the Semi is sharing best practices with the Dual Motor Tesla vehicles (one hairpin motor per rear axle and one wound motor per front axle), rather than the Plaid powertrain (two motors on rear axle).

- The hairpin motors are laser welded and have 30% more power……

- The Semi will only have 1 charge port. This isn’t new info, but it was confirmed by employees.

-There was speculation that a second charge port (on the passenger side) would allow for faster charging or increased convenience. Adding another on-board charge is low cost for Tesla, so there must be some important reasons why this isn’t happening (not needed for speed,……

GIGA TO GIGA WITHOUT CHARGING: The Semi will have a 500 miles range with max payload. I asked if it will be able to travel from Giga Austin to Giga Monterrey, fully loaded, without stopping and I got a direct “YES.”

I provide more details plus my commentary in the youtube video. Check it out + subscribe if you want to be the first to hear my #CyberTruck secrets that I will publish this week. If you found this thread useful, please RT the first post and follow for more:……

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