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Mar 8, 2023, 20 tweets

🧵seyfer x closer look at the last scene of episode 22 shot by shot - movements, words and messages ❤️‍🩹

#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

We start with Seyran at the door. Seyran’s teary dilated pupils when F opens the door. The slightly parted lips..A look mixture of fear and coldness. She is scared what she is gonna see but also right away pierce Ferit. The same way he studies her she studies him +

Seyran enters the room and observes it the same way she did in that cursed night. Not bc of the love making but bc she once again returned to the the position she was there - not knowing what to expect, not knowing Ferit’s intentions, scared. The difference +

Seyran now loves Ferit and if the pain in the past was “i’m loosing my girlhood, my future” this time it was “the man I married would never change and can’t love” yç is a show full of details and parallels and you need to remember that while watching very well +

Seyran looking around the room and understanding she is not reliving the same trauma again. Taking a deep breath, still trembling, trying to calm herself. What Ferit did to her that cursed night would stay for a long time..+

Ferit finally steps in the picture. “welcome dear wife” He is still in his world unaware of why Seyran feels this way. Despite Ferit’s touch and understanding this night is not like that one in the past she is still paralysed with fear. +

Ferit explains how he planed this and who was involved. Pointing a very important thing in their relationship. The third person in their relationship is not just one it’s all of them, all people in their life bc they both can’t trust each other even for a simple surprise. +

Seyran’s emotions taking over. He finally sensed she was really worried and he tried to calm her down by kissing her hands. Symbolising respect, admiration and devotion by one person towards another.+

Also that reaction of his is another parallel from episode 3. Seyran’s emotions again taking over and the fear in F eyes wanting to calm her down. His first reaction was to kiss her. Not bc of lust but bc of care.A valuable lesson he learned back then is not to cross boundaries.+

F:”I apologise…”Ferit who said to Seyran to never expect apology for anything from him started to apologise but oh how much he has to..He wanted to make it clear he kept her in suspense with the only purpose to make her happy +

No malicious words used bc she had suspicions. Just “I did this to make you happy”. Ferit believes the way to stop her suspicions is hidden in her admitting her love to him. He believes only them knowing their feelings can save them. F: “say you love me”+

F:”more than anyone and only me” His choice of words shows his wound - not being loved enough by his family. His jealousy - the fact someone else to have a place in the heart he wanted to live since the first moment he saw her is eating him alive +

He has seen how S loves her sister and protects her. He is aware of the power of her love. He wants to feel that power also when it comes to him. Funny how both seyfer once again are begging each other for the same thing with different words - a complete devotion. +

The lyrics of the song playing “I want to hear. I want to hear your heart and soul” this is what exactly Ferit wanted and he wanted to hear hers belong to him +

They kiss but look closely Ferit waits for her lips he doesn’t cross the boundary before he is fully aware she wants it. He also keeps his eyes half open in order to study her well. He does that all the time bc it became his way of getting to know her, feel her +

He doesn’t rush. He takes her coat gently. Ferit wants her to be fully aware where things are going and that at every given moment they can stop +

He hasn’t planed that to happen despite what many think. Look at the room carefully and remember their conversation from the morning. He wanted them to have dinner alone that’s it +

The absolute look of devotion in Ferit’s eyes and also seriousness. The yali is dead that’s Ferit the boy who loves. He is aware what a big step that is for her and is making sure she is okay. He feels her legs trembling and that’s why he kisses her leg. +

He also takes his time and doesn’t forget to enjoy himself. Look closely at his reaction here. He is burning with desire but is aware he is in advance and he is staying patient. +

Months of desire, storm of emotions finally leading to this moment. While some still argue whether they were together or not waiting for ep 23 to have their answer. The meaning of this scene stays so important and a step in their relationship they will always remember #SeyFer

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