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Mar 8, 2023, 16 tweets

Thread about ferit, orhan & fuat 🧵

I wanted to give my opinion. I’ve seen comments about yali capkini- saying F is a womaniser/player & will continue on this path. I’ll agree to disagree here’s why…

#YaliCapkini #SeyFer #MertRamazanDemir #afrasaracoğlu

We know orhan was a player, given the title “yali capkini”. He was never in love with gulgun & advised F to give his marriage a chance. When defne came, it seemed like she was the one that got away +
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Orhan is very passive, he goes along with his fathers wishes quietly while secretly resenting him. This reminded me of fuats personality. Whereas Ferit’s personality is quiet different + #YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Ferit is in tune & open with his emotions. Despite the pressure from Halis, ferit finds happiness in doing things he likes & spending time with ppl he loves, even if it gets him in trouble. He’d rather be honest than behave like his father/fuat + #YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Now, love was never on ferits radar. He WAS a womaniser, but had a FWB relationship with P. We can’t say he cheated bc she PURSUED him, and agreed to an open relationship (one sided). He never promised her a future +
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

The interesting part - while F respected Halis’s order, he wasn’t giving up his ways. THEN typical ferit style, he goes for seyran, the girl he preferred unlike orhan & fuat personality (passiveness) +
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Ferit slowly starts to change. He stopped hooking up with random girls. He saw P (to keep something from his past) but then realised he was escaping his love for S by going to P & wasn’t happy kissing her, now imagine after sex with seyran +
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Seyran is the first girl he emotionally connected with & was different to other girls. Suddenly making positive changes became easier for him especially after confessing their love, he also appreciates her family +
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Ferit cant change his past, but hes trying to build a future with seyran. That should be our focus. He was a womaniser bc he didn’t believe in love, he’s changing but can’t do that overnight +
#YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Unlike orhan not giving defne closure, shutting down with gulgun & ifakat when he feels like it, ferit is trying to make amends with seyran and pelin bc he intends on having a real marriage, O doesn’t even value G after being his wife of many years + #YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Another difference between the men, is that F has shown to be sensitive/thoughtful towards Seyran multiple times even before they confessed their love, he tries to make her happy + #YaliCapkini #SeyFer

I know Seyfer’s journey has just begun, I expect them both to make many mistakes but I don’t doubt their love for each other. If you watch closely, F has come a long way + #YaliCapkini

F might resort to his old habits if him & S break up, but until then let’s not judge. Seyfer’s love is special compared to; halis & H, Fuat&A, G/Orhan, Kazim&E. These two are breaking the cycle & are the future face of this family #YaliCapkini #SeyFer

Btw halis favours Ferit for this reason, he sees a special quality that orhan & fuat lack. Maybe ferit reminds him of his younger self, or his son that passed away. He just needs the right guidance to become the best version of himself #YaliCapkini

I’m watching the show through these lenses. If S accepts F & wants this marriage to be real, she already knows it won’t be easy. I’m trying to consider both seyran & ferits POV in each episode & if F intentionally harms S then ofc im against him #YaliCapkini

Bare in mind, B ruined the show by extending her contract. We loved the story bc it focused on other important actors I.e Cetin, ferits fam/ Seyran’s family, but they’ve made P the centre of attention in F life while neglecting other roles. We gotta be patient #YaliCapkini

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