Will Sommer Profile picture
Media reporter WaPo. Author of "Trust the Plan," a book on QAnon out now. Email: will.sommer -at- https://t.co/ScXlxKhvrq. Signal: willsommer.38.

Mar 8, 2023, 5 tweets

Lots of big revelations coming out tonight in the exhibits to Dominion's lawsuit against Fox News.

Days before Jan. 6, Tucker Carlson wrote in a text message exchange about Trump: "I hate him passionately" and "I truly can't wait" to ignore him.

The exhibits include hot new details on the source of the Dominion hoax, a woman who believes herself a ghost who was "internally decapitated" in a car accident.

She claims Scalia was killed during a human hunting expedition, and advises Powell not to join that hunting club

The new Dominion exhibits include a text message exchange where Steve Bannon tries to recruit "depressed" Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo to run for Senate herself against Chuck Schumer.

In a text message released as part of the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News, Tucker Carlson describes QAnon believers as driven by "misdirected religious impulses."

New emails reveal how Fox talent melted down after FNC reporter Jacqui Heinrich pointed out on Twitter that the election wasn't stolen.

Hannity said he'd drop a "nuke" on her, while exec Irena Briganti fumed that Heinrich only told the truth bc she wants a job elsewhere.

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