Poifessor (Vincent Liu) Profile picture
Vincent Liu (叫獸 Poifessor) A graphic designer and miniature lover. I play HH SoH/Ultramarine.

Mar 8, 2023, 7 tweets

(1/7)I’ve been building my HH army for almost 1 year. It sizes around 3.5k pt. I paint them after each game, while avoiding a lot of hobby burnout. I get so tips for players want to have army "fast" while not sacrificing quality paint job. #Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity

(2/7)Build and play first before painting. HH was a new system for me. Before I am sure the loadout fits my play style, I assemble my units with blue tack… so I get a chance to switch them.

(3/7)Test the color scheme with bits! I tested about 3 color combination of green and brown base to find the best one. You may not find the box art most attractive to you, so test a variety of color is a good idea before you batch painting them.

4/7)Speaking of batch painting, I am quite against it😂 It takes enormous amount of time, and you often want to draw quickly rather than nicely in the end. I only batch painting the base color. For highlight and details, I paint them only when I feel it.

(5/7)Whenever a unit kills thing in a game, I “reward” them by painting the highlight and details of them😂 Occasionally adding kill marks. This is actually really fun because you are creating story with real game scenerio. Also I find it roll better this way😈

(6/7)Finally you don’t have to finish anything if you don’t feel like it. WH is a hobby you should enjoy, not a work. I still get units without transfers, highlight, even base. But after a year of really, really slow painting, they still turn out great.

(7/7)Take your time, give your army story, theme color, even names to make it fun! Also, breaking your process into small steps, do it only when you feel good. These small progress accumulates! Hope my tips help😁

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