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Mar 8, 2023, 12 tweets

Liquidity Book: Strategies Megathread ๐Ÿงต

#LiquidityBook offers unparalleled levels of versatility, flexibility and customisation for your Liquidity provisioning.

Check out the below thread and dive into the various strategies you can deploy.


๐ŸŒŠ Buy Wall

Think that the price found its new support and is bound to increase after every dip?

Set up a Buy Wall. Earn fees and contribute to the price floor while waiting for it to rise.

๐ŸŒŠ Sell Wall

If you are not feeling so optimistic and are convinced that the price has found its resistance level, this strategy would be perfect for you.

Sell Wall to add resistance + Farm Fees.

๐ŸŒŠ Gradual Ladder Order Out

Looking to DCA out of your position but don't want to pay fees on swaps?

Not only does Liquidity Book allow you to sell tokens with 0 fees, but it also pays you for your liquidity.

Great to scaling out of illiquid tokens as well.

๐ŸŒŠ Gradual Ladder Order In

The only thing better than being paid to sell your crypto is being paid to buy it.

With this strategy, you can DCA on every dip while accumulating swap fees from traders.

๐ŸŒŠ Spot - Wide

This shape is perfect for benefiting from short-term price volatility.

Thanks to the LB's efficiency, the amount of collected fees is maximised as long assets trade within a specified price range.

๐ŸŒŠ Ultra Wide

Want an even more passive approach but still want to access the capital efficiency of the Liquidity Book?

The Ultra Wide strategy is simple yet effective and is perfect for such scenarios. Deploy over a large range and take a passive approach.

๐ŸŒŠ Spot - 1 Bin Concentration

There is no shape more efficient than this one. It is perfect for pegged and stablecoin pairs but can also be used to place "limit orders" on volatile assets.

๐ŸŒŠ Ranged Limit Orders

Combining multiple Concentrated Spot positions lets users place limit orders at multiple price points.

Liquidity Providers can even combine buy and sell orders while being paid if their order is filled.

๐ŸŒŠ Concentrated Curve

This approach combines Concentrated Spot and Uniform shapes to achieve the best from both words.

It is still very capital efficient but continues to earn fees even when the price moves in both directions.

๐ŸŒŠ Spot - Tranche

Max efficiency but with a slightly offset amount of liquidity to capture any volatility and de-risk your concentration.

Setup a Tranche shape by deploying multiple Spot positions.

Deploy any strategy, customise and adapt your strategy on the fly, make your market.

If you want to dive into Liquidity Book but you're unsure where to start out, join us on the Trader Joe Discord tomorrow for a Strategy Workshop session

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Discord: 9th - 8pm GMT


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