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when reality hurts too much, sometimes it's okay to live in the dreams for awhile.. reading list: https://t.co/0uzgHiL5DR

Mar 8, 2023, 67 tweets

perkara jendela
— a #gyuhao short au

📌 bxb, this is a work of fiction
🇮🇩 written in bahasa indonesia
⏳️ timestamps matter unless specifically stated before
⚠️ profanities, dry humour, too much memes, awkwardness etc etc


1. kita mulai dari sini ya

2. niat baik *** ******

3. pov si emosian

4. pov tetangga asv

5. panik

6. jendela geser

7. bersih-bersih pt. 1

8. tanggung jawab

9. kerja sambil ngomel

10. makalah nomor satu; jangan sampe rusak LAGI

11. sabar

12. percakapan dua bocah smp

13. they seemed familliar

14. awal mula

15. kenapa?

16. finally

17. ojok dolen tok ae lee

18. otwew

19. hati-hati

20. another side of the story

21. man cing ma nia man tap

22. only in their case, it's a mutual interaction

23. alur mereka

24. yep, that's just them twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

25. laper :(

26. krupuk..

27. maaf

28. jeder

29. harusnya tau

30. nggak bisa

31. kelewatan..?

32. ...

34. emang hobinya cari penyakit ni anak

36. hehe

37. malamnya

38. affh iyh

39. netnot

40. timbilen vs bintitan

41. movie night

42. 💚💚

43. nambal gigi

44. ada yang iseng katanya

45. shareloc, ya?

46. boleh tidur gak

47. tunggu situ

48. dijemput

49. pacar ganteng?

50. dan apa haø?👀

51. aduaduaduuu

52. dah sampe~

53. minimal melek

54. baru sadar

55. untung gyv orangnya sabar

56. tentang blackmail material

57. haduh

58. ya nggak papa

60. dah pulaang

61. ciee

62. sesuai speknya gyv = yang galak

63. udah move on, kan?
⚠️ mention of cheating, violence

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