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Web3 Researcher /Ambassador :@PhalaNetwork @MUA_MUADAO / Team: @2LoudNetwork @CsnAlpha

Mar 9, 2023, 7 tweets

🌟 #OwlphaNFT
🌟GM Polygon network NFT projects will be a new excitement, many projects will transition to Polygon network. I will give you information about Polygon NFT projects that I consider important, our first project @OwlphaNFT

🌟What is OwlphaNFT
🌟Owlpha is a utility-first NFT collection that is designed to provide its holders with high-level analytical tools and social long-term value.

🌟Why is OwlphaNFT unique?
🌟 We aim to redefine existing technologies and provide necessary analytical and rarity tools for our holders, in order to be the harbinger of truth.

🌟Owlpha team members have a team of Web3 enthusiasts with over 15 years of technology experience

🌟How can I get WL?
⭐️You can get WL by interacting with OwlphaNFT Discord and Twitter accounts or being in the community
🌟Mint Price
⭐️WL 19 Matic Public 24 Matic
🌟Date of issue

⭐️Partnerships have been established with many important projects. In addition, partnerships with Bluechip projects continue. Finally, partnered with y00ts and DeGods

🌟Social Media
⭐️Website: Coming Soon

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