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Defender of individual liberty and free markets, opposed to crony capitalism and legal plunder, advocate of non-violence. Not always PC. Follow: @NamelyLiberty

Mar 10, 2023, 9 tweets

At the House Judicial hearing Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi confirmed exactly what we warned about, back when we were calling out the fake Russian troll/bot narrative, that their censorship efforts were really to silence families speaking out on vaccine injuries.

The Russian bot campaign and narrative continued.

VICE even tried saying all those informed moms and dads winning the vaccine debate on Twitter were really Russian trolls just trying to make people angry.

Renee DiResta & Co. have been at the heart of all the smear/disinfo campaigns pushing for public policy changes like vaccine mandates and social media policy to control free speech. The Pharma backed media always helped to amplify their BS narratives.

Richard Pan (D), co-author of California's vaccine bill, #SB277, tried using a "study" that looked at only 200-something tweets to imply public health is under attack by Russia.

He used the narrative to get a social media censorship bill #SB1424 passed but Gov. Brown vetoed it.

DiResta worked as an operative for State Senator @DrPanMD to push #SB277 through.

They both, with the help from a pharma backed media, would mischaracterize vaccine injured families and all opposition as "anti-vaxxers" even if they vaccinated.

If you're blocked, you're one too!

#DeepStateDiResta used group troll accounts to harass parents in opposition to the vaccine bill (who were dominating the debate, btw).

"One of the group accounts" she used was @VaxFactcheck, now hiding as private.

@mtaibbi and @elonmusk should investigate this in #TwitterFiles

I'll end the thread here to keep it short.

Follow #DeepStateDiResta for a ton more including some on the backstory behind this Hillary photo.

Yes, Renee DiResta campaigned for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Imagine that!


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