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Ancient Iranian archaeology and history.

Mar 11, 2023, 23 tweets

Iranian Harp; چنگ در ایران باستان

Video: Recreation of an Elamite harp. I talked about Iranian musical instruments before, but will focus on the harp, used in Iranian music for thousands of years until the 17th C, and now being brought back by various musicians


Recreation of harp from Choga Mish, Iran, 6800 BCE

چنگِ ایرانیِ چغامیش

See original videos as well.


One of the sealings from Choga Mish


Elamite depictions of various harps, including horizontal and vertical (also see: )

1: Kul-e Farah Musicians-Harps & Square drum
2: Instruments-Double Flute, Tambourine, Harp
3-4: Arjan bowl


Other Elamite depictions

Elamite harp parts, now @MuseeLouvre


Surviving Pazyryk Scythian harp, and other Asian harps


Parthian & Achaemenid depictions of harpist


Another harpist


Chorasmian/ Khwarezmian Harpist


Early #Sasanian harpist, Bishapur


Harpist from Sasanian bowl


Bahram Gur and Azadeh


Bahram Gur and Azadeh with harp

Sasanian & post-Sasanian


Harp players from Taqe Bostan, Iran


Harp players from Taqe Bostan, Iran

Taqe Bostan, drawings


Post-Sasanian plate with musicians including harpist


Kafir Kala, Sogdian depiction of harp among other instruments


Depictions of Sogdian musicians in China


Usrushana, 8C, Harps and Lute, photo with thanks to @eranudturan


1256-1353, Ilkhanid depiction of harp, now @ClevelandArt


Harpists from 1553 & 1529, along with Daf player

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