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† Christian • Founder of @CounterTrafficK as well as @DailyTrafficK •YouTuber⇣… ‘Merica! 🇺🇸

Mar 12, 2023, 77 tweets

𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗚𝗮𝗴𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗡𝗖/𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀
𝗔 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 🧵

Lady Gaga has quite a colorful history with the DNC and smooth involvement with some globalists. Let's take a wide look.

Disclosure: The following thread is intended to observe and opine on possible connections. This is NOT intended to provoke harassment to any of the said individuals. Any images will be subject to commentary, criticism, and education, therefore falls under Fair Use.

Continued Disclosure: All commentary, descriptions, and emotions are subject to my personal, observational opinion.

All the glory be to Jesus who gave me insight, wisdom and revelation to check the places I did. (Thats muh'King!)
Psalms 91

Let's cannon ball right in, because there is so much to cover. In 2009 Lady Gaga started vocalizing towards, then-president, Barack Obama for the LGBT community.

She also made other efforts vocal surrounding bullying...

She later met Obama about this matter at the White House.

But, a bit before this, they met at a private fundraiser put on by Facebook's then-COO, Sheryl Sandberg, and her husband, David Goldberg.

Obama was quoted saying Lady Gaga was "a little intimidating."

It seems they had a good rapport with each other after this.

**Hillary Clinton enters the chat**

It is indicative that Lady Gaga hit the ground running campaigning for HRC. Many news outlets reported that she held an invite-only performance for DNC delegates. The AP became of interest to me as I saw that they seemingly deleted their reporting of this.

I looked in another browser with the same URL, same result.

So I searched for the article within their search.... Nothing.

God bless the archives

She performed with Lenny Kravitz , lots of interesting info here, including that they held this invite-only in Camden, NJ--one of the most impoverished cities in the nation.

I found another article by CBS that detailed that this event was held hours before Hillary would accept the Democratic nomination.

They prohibited press at this event.... which is probably(?) why we didn't hear about the protesters at this invite-only event?

She started showing her face publicly around big-time DNC events when she lended her avid support at Hillary's rally in 2016 with Bon Jovi.

She avidly campaigned against @realDonaldTrump, stating that his rhetoric was hateful and fear mongering.

She circulated the very sensational accusations against @realDonaldTrump that all of a sudden sprung up at once right before election.

She was at the Javits Center on election night, I'm sure not thinking Hillary would lose.

Her efforts, along with Hillary's were not successful.

Adoration towards Gaga after the fact from Hillary herself.

Thus, a few months after election, we see Lady Gaga collaborating with the former Obama administration even more publicly.... and THIS is where things start to get interesting.

She promoted #ItsOnUs, an organization prompted to stop sexual assault.... interesting **aherrrm**
(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳
to be arm-in-arm with....No?

Its On Us was founded in 2014 by the Obama-Biden Administration.

But also, within the same month of Gaga promoting Its On Us with Joe Biden, she also was at work promoting One America Appeal.

This was an effort upstarted by 5 previous presidents: Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., and Bill Clinton. The mission was to help storm victims from the recent hurricane season...

Here is their promo for the effort:

Donations you say? This tweet is what made me curious to scurry down this rabbit hole corridor.

So I ventured to their website OneAmericaAppeal.org.. and this is what it lands me at.

Like…. GONE? Not even a message, or some expenditure statistics? Nothing?


The website seemed to have given some hurricane data to leverage their efforts, which prompted the end-user to donate with a button planted in various sections of the website.

This is the part that had me scratching my head. At the bottom of the website, it explains how 100% of every donation would be given to hurricane recovery. It lists an EIN towards the bottom.

Before I give you my sawce, it is important to note that in a future-dated archive, they attest that they raised approx. $42M.

Here they attest that $41M were raised.. Eh.. IDK $1M off is a chunk, but just pointing things where I see it.

Ok, so this is where my confusion emerges. I went to the EIN listed on the bottom of that page… and I’m no rocket scientist—by no means...but…

I am trying to conceptualize where this $42M would materialize in their 990. As you can see, their assets and liabilities…relatively the same before and after 2017 (year of fundraiser). Their contributions… don’t have the figure I’m looking for and… their Program Services $0…

I mean…….. I…… uh…….. I g-.. I guess it could have been dispersed through another means…. I … LOL.

YA’LL!!!! So I pressed even further. A rare Pokemon called a local news article appeared in my search and… WHAT **wheezing**

Why? Why scrub this article? WHY?!?! It lists preparations for the fundraiser, the performers.

Look at them, having a jolly-ass good time, fundraising for such a great cause. LOOK ATTEM! (🤣)

Then they list the organizations that were to get these distributions….
𝗖𝗖: Houston, TX, Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands

Alright. Let’s do a little searchy-poo to see any reports of these said organizations RECEIVING the funds, and how they allocated them out to their respective communities. Wha—

You guys may be able to assist me in finding ONE organization that received and distributed these funds properly… but for now I will say that my sleuth time only observed initial announcing of this presidential team-up.

Oh yeah. And back to Gaga. She seems to have starred in this effort to raise funds at this concert. Allegedly. In my opinion.

And frens. It was here that this very Very famous photo was born.

Let's move on to some MOAR

May I remind you that……..in very coincidental timing, this little shadowy group was going on … may not be related WHAT SO EVER… but the timing is …. 🤌🏽

OK WHEEEWWWWW. That was a— pfffhhh— that was A LOT. But, oh, our quest continues.
She threw her weight behind the seemingly empty accusations of Christine Blasey Ford vs Brett Kavanaugh.

If you remember, this was right before Trump’s pick was about to get sworn in. She went on the Stephen Colbert show and stated, “What I have seen on the news with this debate of Kavanaugh versus Dr. Ford, it’s one of the most upsetting things I have ever witnessed.”

Moving on.
**Joe Biden enters the chat……….again..**

And notice the dates of these tweets, they are very close to the election in 2020. I assume this was about the time that Gaga was summoned to help with Biden’s campaigning efforts…. Nothing between the It’s On Us promo (2017) to here…

Trump illustrated this very point. He put out a statement November 1, 2020 detailing that he opined that the Biden camp enlisted Gaga to desperately “drum up enthusiasm for his lackluster candidacy.”
I concur. I opine the same, as I look back at all of this.

Lady Gaga clapped back at Papa T with this tweet. Also she did a pretend to not know what fracking was? Strange.

Strange, because @realDonaldTrump came in with the receipts. 🧾 

There she iiiiis!

By the way, her dad was very pro-Trump and was pressured to delete his support posts, as Gaga fans slammed his freedom of choice. Sad.

Last ditch efforts for Biden continued

We all know what happened that election ….. Night? Morning? Day-After? Mmmh.. “We did it Joe *cackle**”

I'll admit. I was waiting for a cinematic scene of the military, law enforcement coming in from all directions to do their thing........but instead we all watched Gaga perform the National Anthem at the weird-energy thing they called the inauguration (Tuhhhhhhh)

Side note. The dress she wore to the “inauguration” bullet-proof and designed by **deep breath** Schiaparelli.

I just did a thread on their recent Dante’s Inferno themed collection..

Interesting notes from Schiaparelli designer, Daniel Roseberry. He designed Michelle Obama’s second inauguration dress, and seems to have had ugly feelings for Trump’s America. **shocked** **surprised** **in awe** **flabbergasted**

Ok. Let's take it global now.. During the planpocolype, where a globalist body shoved their agenda down our throats, and shoved us indoors, this little online concert emerges. Global Citizen announced this in collaboration with the W.H.O. and Lady Gaga.

But lets go a liiiiiittle ways back. Gaga began her collaborations long ago, it appears. Here you see her foundation, Born This Way Foundation, in some sort of partnerships with the Obama Administration.

Some recognition by the W.H.O. in 2013

Then here in 2018

But, yeah, taking it forward to planpocolypse time. The W.H.O. did press briefings with her in the "latest developments."

They named her mother as a Goodwill Ambassador for Mental Health.

Lady Gaga, post height of plandemic, continued propelling mainstream rhetoric, in coordination with Global Citizen.

End of thread wig-snatch.

If you're not surprised, but your wig still got snatched, add a snatch emoji in the comments 🤏🏽

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