Howitzer 'Triple-7' Marv 🎖️🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Soup-centric. #NAFOfleet captain. Drummer for Discarded Butts. President of the #HellsFellas NAFO MC!

Mar 12, 2023, 16 tweets

Fellas and Fellinas! It's time! The news every song-loving fella has been waiting for - how to get your tickets for the #FellavisionSongContest, brought to you in association with #NAFOSpaceDivision, #NAFOfleet and #thisistherailway. And how to take part! Here's the skinny: 🧵

And introducing our first #FellavisionSongContest entrants - formerly of the #DiscardedButts, but now making their way as a duo, we can't wait to find out more about the Low Down 'n' Dirty, representing Whalsay!

Please give a big hand to @martianritch and @QuellaLi72!

Good evening #FellavisionSongContest fans! We're delighted to announce our second act - please welcome @AyaAbbe, representing Czechia!

Her hi-NRG Fellavision stomp is one of the most downloaded tracks this week and it's on heavy rotation at #NAFOSpaceDivision Orbital HQ.

Happy Easter Monday, #FellavisionSongContest fans! Please welcome our next act - the very magnificent @bopandy1, representing Ireland with his irresistible floor filler, Oooo Yeah!

Next up we welcome to the #FellavisionSongContest, representing Croatia, @SaT11T with a box-fresh cover of Tvoka zemlja. Excellent trigger discipline, fella! We'll find out more about Vinko, Croatia and this beautiful song when we do our Artist Q & A.

One audience ticket for @Janet04745625 - we hope you have a banging time! All audience fellas will go into a draw to be picked for the national juries.

Another audience ticket for @equus_fella

Nowhere is beyond #Fellavision's reach - we're super-excited to welcome our first act from the United States of America! Please give a big #FellavisionSongContest welcome to @MuraliLevine who will be bringing us some soul-searing Blues.

And heading for the front row in her very glamorous frock - it's @maggenpie!

Taking notes from the pyro dudes and trying to remember that he's taken a night off from blowing shit up with the #HellsFellas please welcome @LXSummer1 to the mosh pit.

Getting her Cha Cha Cha on - it's @Plij3, ready to get on the dance floor after that pina colada.

The #HellsFellas are infiltrating the audience, one by one. What could possibly go wrong 😳 At least @Project_Mewtwo has temporarily unshipped the MOFO robot arm and grenade launcher.

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