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GP (Ex-Partner/Trainer) - enjoying the extra time & space - Believe in the NHS (Opinions my own) - NHS Facts and Stats Facebook - DAUK GP Spokesperson #BeKind

Mar 12, 2023, 9 tweets

Some will be planning to call the GP for an appt

Many will end up on hold or queuing outside

1.4 million/day consult a GP practice

Since 2015 we have lost 2000 GPs - enough for 1m patients



#GPCrisis Blame MPs not GPs


Despite the pressure & reduced numbers GPs have provided more appts than ever

39% are seen in a day & 82% within 2 weeks of being booked

More Face to Face than before 2019 but many more options, with tele, e-consults & text added

GPs can’t provide more

With GP numbers falling & no support from NHSE & Government

Practices are failing, some are closing becoming unviable with Partners forced to hand back contracts

Without significant change 20% of Practices are potentially at risk

What started as early retirement for some GPs due to workload, burnout & Pension Tax issues making it financially unsustainable to work

Now younger GPs completing training & leaving GP

Yet the Government refuses to accept that RETENTION is more important than training

GP partners don’t receive a wage

They take what is left after expenses are taken (staff, building etc) or invested in the future of the practice or repayment of loans

A patient earns a practice £163 whether they are seen 50 times or none - the average is 7/yr

It’s not enough

The income received by GPs for a patient has been falling in real terms

The average practice of 10000 patients will be receiving £60k less than 2016 in real terms

The coming year uplift of 3% lagging 7% behind increasing costs

This is making practices unviable

The stress of caring for an increase in the number of patients per GP up from 1800 to 2200 in 10 years

Managing patients waiting for hospital treatments- 10% of all patients

Financial cuts to their practices

Supporting staff & patients alike

GPs close to burnout

There are solutions but both the Government & NHSE have failed to listen of provide meaningful support

Some of this will be funding but much of it is ending needless bureaucracy

Support for allied community professionals so that the community can genuinely care for patients

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