Snowball Tongogara Profile picture
Social worker

Mar 12, 2023, 6 tweets

CCC propaganda has come to an end that @ZANUPF_Official is the old people's home. The wisdom of HE @edmnangagwa has opened equal leadership opportunities in both ZanuPF and government to allow inclusive development and inter- generational blending.

This shows how serious HE ED Mnangagwa is about vision 2030, leaving no one and no place behind. ZANU PF will never die and that's why the President is making sure there young people are involved in the decision making

It's now clear that @ZANUPF_Official is young people's home.

In 2018, President appointed his cabinet in which he appointed youthful ministers
In 2022, Dec during ZanuPF Central Committee elections we witnessed many young people getting elected to the highest decision-making body of ZanuPF
President appointed his Politburo which is also

inclusive in nature as young people are also setting Politburo meetings. Kudos to the leadership of HE @edmnangagwa !!!

However, in CCC young people are getting tired of ccc toxicity and are leaving politics. This shows how Chamisa has failed as the leader of opposition. Tsvangirai groomed him but he's failing to do the same which means Tsvangirai mentoring has failed.

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