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Award-Winning African Journalist. Focus on Kenyan Foreign Policy and Africa. Twiplomacy. Fact Checker. Nairobian. Target is to visit all 55 African states.

Mar 13, 2023, 8 tweets

PROTEST NOTE: #Rwandan leader @PaulKagame has written to the @_AfricanUnion chairperson, Comoros President @PR_AZALI questioning the manner in which some sessions of the just concluded AU Summit were handled. The letter sent on 3rd March has been copied to all African leaders.

Pres. @PaulKagame, who was appointed by the AU to lead it's institutional reforms in July 2016 argues that at the assembly, leaders mandated to issue topical reports are not timed referring to interjections made when the Sierra Leone & Ghanaian Presidents were submitting.

Pres. @PaulKagame further argues that no debate was allowed on the appointment of the @AfricaCDC DG, even though three member states had requested to speak. Kagame says this is the only agenda item on which debate was forbidden.

In the letter, the Rwandan leader opening a pandora's box states that the report given by the legal counsel on the deliberations of the c'ttee of Heads of State on Africa CDC gave no explanation for why the first-ranked candidate, a woman, was not selected as the DG.

President @PaulKagame adds that besides the participation of the Comoros President who is the @_AfricanUnion chairperson, no other leader took part in the committee meeting, and the delegated officials were mostly below the ministerial level.

President @PaulKagame lastly concludes by informing @PR_AZALI that Rwanda was excluded from participating in the ordinary summit of ECCAS held on 25 February 2023 in Kinshasa, on the instruction of the host country.

"This occured despite formal written confirmation from the ECCAS commission on 14 Jan, that Rwanda, a full member state, would participate virtually. Explanations for this unacceptable violation of the ECCAS treaty have been sought", says @PaulKagame in the letter

He further argues that AFRICA's institutions will not be taken seriously by our citizens or partners if we allow our business to be handled in this manner.

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