🔸Min🔸Mom2 2Warriors✝️⚓️🩺 Profile picture
✝️ I Love You my Savior & King JesusChrist Psa118:6 The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? DM4🛐only

Mar 13, 2023, 7 tweets

From a very Dear Friend *Bee*- @DSFisAddlepated
For: Jim, Jeanne- the couple
Jackie, Joel- the kids
@tjpowell2008 @mombelieves @shelli18880432
@justronagain @rebarbill @Pawleybaby1999 @SmokieMtnsWendy @partsmath @eschatologyguy
@T67562897 @laura_7771

Even in the animal kingdom there is reverence for life!
..when it is lost-the mother mourns,
her community mourns with her!
Notice her pod is silently guarding her, and silently just being there..

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