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Mar 13, 2023, 11 tweets

Many people do not realize that China has a multi-party political system. A thread with the eight parties that were created before 1949 as part of the united front strategy and continue to play a key role in the Political Consultative Conference.

A small 🧵1/9 #TwoSessions

1) The Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang.

Developed from the Left Kuomintang that supported the CPC before China’s liberation in 1949. 2/9

2) The China Democratic League.

Is principally composed of cultural figures. 3/9

3) The China Democratic National Construction Association.

It mainly comprises entrepreneurs and participants in the economic sectors. 4/9

4) The China Association for Promoting Democracy.

Chiefly represents the educational sectors. 5/9

5) The Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party.

Is predominantly composed of medical and health practitioners. 6/9

6) The China Zhi Gong Party.

Is primarily composed of overseas Chinese who have returned home and representative figures with overseas connections (also acting as the China chapter of the Hongmen, a worldwide Chinese secret fraternal society). 7/9

7) The Jiusan Society.

Is largely composed of those in the science and technology fields. 8/9

8) The Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League.

Represents proponents of socialism from the Taiwan region. 9/9

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