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Mar 13, 2023, 5 tweets

I saw some "how those characters will take the "I'm breaking up with you" message and I thought about Vegas, Pete, Bible, and Biu.

#BuildisLuved #BibleWichapas
#biblebuild #vegaspete

And I think it would look like this:


P: I'm breaking up with you

V: No, you aren't.



V: I'm breaking up with you

P: Venice is staying with me. Good luck with surviving without me 👍



B: I'm breaking up with you

BB: I can fix this, just tell me what's wrong!

#BibleWichapas #BuildJakapan #BuildisLuved #BibleBuild


BB: I'm breaking up with you

B: 🥺

BB: It was just a joke sweetie, please don't be sad 😔😔😔😔😔

#BibleWichapas #BuildJakapan #BuildisLuved #BibleBuild

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