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Mar 14, 2023, 6 tweets

Would @ElonMusk make a better Super Hero or Super Villain. Thread beyond below....

"Hold still Mr Musk you may feel a slight jolt of energy surging into, around and out of you. Utilise the mindfulness.cog downloaded and please pin point where these sensations are occurring"..

"Commence calibration...."

"I can feel it everyone, we are so close this time." Imagine being able to visit other dimensions with a body that can withstand anything. With a mind capable of understanding and finding solutions to the dimensions most difficult problems". You would be a super." "Sir No Stop"!

"Mr. Musk we have to abort! Our systems are being invaded and your mind is under attack! It's trying to manipulate the calibrations. This could be catastrophic! It's attempting to adjust your personality settings. Wait there are now multiple entities dueling over the settings!"

"Guys wow! No wait there's something surreal happening, how can something feel so wrong yet so right. I'm trying to figure this one out. They feel familar? I am being reconfigured".

"What do you mean an imbalance in the readings. I can see 2 versions of myself! We should push it to the next phase this has never felt closer to reality than right now. I'm becoming more defined. Don't erase. Let it evolve.. But which one?"

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