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antichud@kolektiva.social https://t.co/anGwxdHjPo 🔎data points excite me | Antifascist in a fascist land

Mar 15, 2023, 14 tweets

🚨CW: Extreme racism, bigotry, child grooming

Jon Minadeo of the Goyim Defense League (GDL) & GoyimTV frequently goes on #Omegle to poison young boys and girls. In these few examples, he projects as Tammy, a gay man.

Jon Minadeo is preying on our kids, be aware.

Pass it on.

What is Omegle? For those that don’t know, it’s an unmoderated anonymous video chat platform that does not age gate, so children any age can use it.

It’s difficult to report an account, the company lists the founders email address: leif@omegle.com


Jon Minadeo uses AI to face swap with an ape, an Asian man, and a Hispanic man among others.

This girl admits she is 14 years old while Jon Minadeo is stereotyping an absentee father.

Here Jon Minadeo is screaming “white power” while presenting sieg heil’s.

Jon Minadeo being racist and asking a young girl what race she has sex with. “You’re not having sex with n…..r’s are you?”

Jon Minadeo being racist and asking a young girl what race she has sex with. On the GTV platform, you can see the user chat forum engaging with this display.

Forum comments:
“baby waffen”
“half black kid?”

This young girl wanted to talk about stick and poke tattoos, Jon Minadeo steered the conversation to suggest she get a swastika tattoo because “white people are awesome.”

Forum comments:
“Soft convert her HT”
“13” (Assuming age)

Left, Center, or Right, as parents and humans, we need to be outraged at the disgusting harassment and poison Jon Minadeo is exposing our children to.

Please talk to your children about being safe online.

I forgot to add.. Jon Minadeo is 40 years old. He posts tons of these videos on his telegram channel and is making money off them on his main GTV platform.

Loser kid groomer Jon Minadeo is retweeting my posts in this thread.

Oh no 🫣

😂😂😂 RebelScience tryin to get him some HT lovin. “Antichud is OBSESSED with you, HT, and I’m big mads and jealous. 😤😤”

What a coinkidink.

To all the chuds liking and retweeting this post, you’re boosting my priority score. Thank you!

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