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Mar 16, 2023, 6 tweets

Joe Campus Tours 🎓

General Manager @DavideFi_ and Smart Contracts Lead @Louis_Mslf presented #LiquidityBook to Blockchain Societies of two top 10 universities!


All part of our mission to spread the word of LB to future industry leaders! 👇

This was a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the innovative power of Liquidity Book to a critically minded audience.

We received excellent feedback, proving LB's ability to delight and inspire those interested in a decentralised future.

📸 @camblockchains

The talks consisted of a brief introduction to the history of DEXs and how Trader Joe made the transition from a Uniswap V2 fork to innovators in the field of AMMs

📘 Application of a volatility adjusted fee
📘 Constant sum formula (Px+y=L)
📘 Discretized bin architecture

With the imminent approach of Joe V2.1's Auto Pools, we cant wait to bring LB to a wider audience.

Joe Campus Tours is a key part of this strategy.

To be able to deliver thought provoking talks at these iconic institutions is a huge privilege and a long way from our meme roots!

We would like to thank all the students who attended these events, for their excellent questions and eagerness to discuss the minutiae of #LiquidityBook 🌊📘

It had absolutely nothing to do with the free pizza 😅🍕

If you're a European based university, part of a blockchain society and you're interested in discussing Decentralised Exchanges, Automated Market Makers and Liquidity, reach out to Trader Joe!


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