Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives Profile picture
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Mar 16, 2023, 22 tweets

THREAD: Proof that #NAFO and Adam Kinzinger will end the Russian Nazi Antisemitic Regime!

On May 24, 2022, NAFO,” a pro-NATO digital troll farm was founded by Kamil Dyszewski (@Kama_Kamilia) an antisemitic gamer from Poland Twitter account with noted antisemitic views. NAFO has thousands of bots that target any account that questions Ukraine and label them as Nazi.

Kamil Dyszewski NAFO founder, (@Kama_Kamilia) has an extensive history of posting anti sematic content online, yet his organization prosecutes journalists like me and orders his team to ban our business and try to get us arrested. How can I be a Nazi when he is clearly racist?

I have created a video displaying Kamil Dyszewski NAFO founder, (@Kama_Kamilia) antisemitic and disgustingly racist history. How can Adam Kinzinger support a man so evil? I released a thread displaying the Nazi presence in Ukraine, and NAFO attacked me but not their Nazi leader?

Kamil Dyszewski, Antisemitic founder of NAFO not only admitted to tweeting these disgusting posts but also claimed that it was a joke and that because he was "joking" he is able to be forgiven? Does NAFO offer the same compassion to their targets? Where is his NAFO info card?

It does not surprise me that the followers of NAFO are being openly racist to me in my comments, they are calling me a monkey, a cotton picker, an animal, a slave, a nigg*r, and they even told me that if I had kids they would be there to rape them. Look at how the target others

If you would like more information on the antisemitic founder of the NAFO Fellas Kamil Dyszewsk, view the EXTENSIVE Thread by @mossrobeson__

Twitter would not allow me to add a ALT button to this THREAD, this is my 5th time trying to release it.😢

I have undeniable proof that NAFO is violating the Twitter bot policy for example, #NAFOArticle5 generates a tweet asking for humans to verify the target. they even got my Google business banned. This is cyberbullying at its finest.

as requested:


All of this started because I exposed the Nazis that exist in Ukraine with a credible, cited, and informative THREAD. How did they respond? By photoshopping images on me and creating fake news without any citation.

Fighting for truth without proof?

NAFO’s harassment campaigns have become so omnipresent that virtually every prominent Western media outlet, including The Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Politico, The Economist, VICE News, has granted the operation favorable coverage.

When Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, criticized of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in 2019, @AdamKinzinger called on congressional leaders to strip her of top committee assignments. So why. does he sympathize with verified NAFO Nazis?…

On Sep 6, 2022 Grayzone & a NAFO admin revealed that “NAFO” is not only a digital troll farm, but in fact a thinly-veiled fundraising campaign for the Georgian Legion, a division of foreign fighters within the Ukrainian army that stands accused of numerous war crimes.

Former Ukraine volunteers describe savage war crimes by the Georgian Legion — the same group that NAFO was founded to fundraise for as its founder believed their reputation as "mercenaries & criminals" would preclude them from foreign support. Read more…

Among the Georgian Legion’s most notorious members are US fugitive and murderer Craig Lang, as well as Paul Gray, an American whose past involvement in several neo-Nazi organizations was never mentioned during the interviews he was granted by Fox News, most likely unknowingly.

While providing a financial feeding tube to a militia that revels in its own atrocities, NAFO continues to attract effusive support from mainstream US journalists who portray the operation as little more than a grassroots expression of online solidarity with Ukraine

In public, NAFO leaders market the image of a charity-focused community of do-gooders, however, on October 18, 2022, a NAFO administrator complained that she was forced to ban two members of the NAFO Discord for publicly plotting the murder of a third member of the community.

NAFO's Discord server is run by founders, assigned administrators, moderators, and “forgers” who make memes used for harassing people on social media.

The media said “there is no command structure,” but NAFO has all of the hallmarks of an organizational hierarchy.

There are three ways to obtain a NAFO avatar and become a verified “fella but I want to focus on the 3rd, merchandise purchase from a website called Saint Javelin. Saint Javelin’s logo depicts the Virgin Mary bearing a US-manufactured Javelin missile.

Though distinct from NAFO at its foundation, Saint Javelin sold merchandise for the organization and recently incorporated NAFO into its brand. For months, all of Saint Javelin’s proceeds from NAFO merchandise went directly to the Georgian Legion, according to its website.

"On February 12, 2022, "One of Borys, Saint John's partner journalist patronized an antisemitic restaurant and returned with a review for Vice News portraying it as "one of the city’s many weird and wonderful haunts."

Twitter has responded to NATO state pressure to suppress accounts associated with Russian state media, and has banned numerous other users for simply questioning the official Western version of events in Ukraine, organizations connected with NAFO have seen explosive growth since……

Since my GMB was banned, I will definitely add my link for donations, which produced around 35% of my income but I love it. You're not fighting hard enough until you lose something. Thank you for all of your love….

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