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Mar 17, 2023, 10 tweets

🧵[1/9] Today, we commemorate the #Punyatithi (death anniversary) of Manohar Parrikar, the late Chief Minister of Goa and former Defence Minister of 🇮🇳. A visionary leader and an exceptional human being, Parrikar left an indelible mark on Indian politics with his dedication and……

[2/9] Parrikar was known for his simple lifestyle and modest demeanor. His no-frills approach to governance, focus on transparency, and accessibility to the public earned him immense respect and admiration from people across the political spectrum. #ManoharParrikar #Simplicity

[3/9] Manohar Parrikar's RSS background played a significant role in shaping his unwavering commitment to his duties, simple lifestyle, and impeccable integrity. Inspired by these values, he continued to serve the people of Goa with dedication even while battling a severe……

[4/9] As Defence Minister, Manohar Parrikar played a crucial role in several key initiatives, including the implementation of the One Rank One Pension (OROP) scheme, which benefitted millions of 🇮🇳 military veterans. #ManoharParrikar #DefenceMinister #OROP

[5/9] Parrikar also played an instrumental role in the 2016 surgical strikes, which showcased India's military prowess and commitment to safeguarding its borders. His tenure as Defence Minister saw significant progress in modernizing and strengthening India's armed forces.……

[6/9] Another notable contribution of Manohar Parrikar as Defence Minister was the conclusion of the Rafale aircraft deal. This acquisition of advanced fighter jets was critical for the Indian Air Force, addressing a long-standing need to bolster India's……

[7/9] As the Chief Minister of Goa, Parrikar focused on improving infrastructure, tourism, and education. He was determined to make Goa a model state with sustainable development, balancing economic growth with environmental conservation.……

[8/9] It is worth mentioning that during Manohar Parrikar's tenure as Defence Minister, he was unfairly targeted by the opposition for political gains, especially regarding the Rafale aircraft deal.

One such controversial incident involved Rahul Gandhi,……

[9/9] A true #KarmaYogi Parrikar ji kept on working through his sever illness, while getting treated of his cancer. Unfortunately, he last his battle with cancer on 17th March, 2019.
On this solemn occasion, let us remember and honor Manohar Parrikar's exemplary service to the……

A good read :
The indefatigable Manohar Parrikar: From IIT-grad to 4-time Goa chief minister - by Gerard de Souza…

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