Steve Krakauer Profile picture
Texan now. Executive Producer @MegynKellyShow, Author of "Uncovered," Editor/Host @FourthWatch Media, @NewsNation contributor, Past: CNN, TheBlaze, Mediaite

Mar 17, 2023, 11 tweets

This will be the last long thread about #Uncovered for awhile… but I wanted to give you an idea what you’ll find in the book, by showing exactly what you see in the pages…

Find the hardcover, audiobook (featuring dozens of interviewees!), or ebook here:

Tucker Carlson tells me in the prologue how he knew the Hunter Biden laptop was real and not “Russian disinformation” - he was sent emails on it between him and Hunter. He and Hunter were friendly, he tells me, until Hunter “started doing a ton of blow.”

I start #Uncovered by tracing the way the press was treated by the Obama administration - horribly - and how the Acela Media still was subservient to them.

“We created an echo chamber,” bragged top Obama aide Ben Rhodes. It seeded the ground for Trump.

How do we fix the problems in the press, like Geographic Bias, which I write about in chapter 2 of #Uncovered?

I talk to dozens of media members on the record, from across the spectrum. @AliVelshi tells me one key element is “modeling the discourse.”

On the need for more “cultural diversity” in newsrooms, longtime NYTer @amychozick told me about needing to hire journalists who have shot a gun, or go to church every week. Why doesn’t it happen? “It’s easy to hire people who went to Dalton and Harvard.”

How did the corporate press get COVID so wrong - from natural immunity, to lockdowns and more? @MartyMakary tells me it was due to the “very cozy relationship” between the “medical establishment” and the media. It was reporting based on “dogma” not “data”:

Someone who knows Dr. Fauci’s power more than anyone is @DrJBhattacharya - who described to me Fauci as a “genius” for how he controlled the “media environment” during COVID… to stop the lockdown conversation from happening, in collusion with the press.

Throughout #Uncovered I lay out 12 “concepts” that explain exactly how the corporate press lost its way.

Here, a visual representation of Pascal’s Wager of Woke Journalism - showing how acceptable vs unacceptable is a new media axis to, sadly, factor in.

You ever notice how stories bubbling up in the right-leaning media often get completely ignored by the broader corporate press?

I talked about this concept with @semaforben in #Uncovered - and how the “toxically contaminated” phenomenon often plays out.

WashPost’s @ErikWemple tells me it’s “depressing” how people like Rachel Maddow, CNN and others in the press covered the Steele dossier and Russiagate: “When editors say, ‘when we get it wrong we correct it,’ that’s bullshit. I don’t believe that anymore.”

One story I dig into is the major moment when @joerogan interviewed Dr. Sanjay Gupta. It was the consensus encountering the counter-consensus - and being exposed. Rogan is an information maximalist, in a media environment full of information minimalists.

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