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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Mar 17, 2023, 25 tweets

Top stories are about the top man, but isn't that what being dictator is all about?
Xi evidently likes these Xinwen Lianbo announcers, but only if they're talking about him.
Latest charm offensive:
Xi state visit to Moscow, March 20-22

Another exciting news day. All about Xi.

Praise for Xi, his important remarks, and his successful re-election as Chairman can be heard from serious thinkers in all walks of life.

A round-up of the images that CCTV during the voice-over praise of Xi
(ad-lib format for concision and to convey the gist of it)
Xi is the Great Wall
Xi is the Great Hall

Xi is the big boat
Xi is the river upon which it floats

Xi is the colorfully-costumed child's cry of joy

Xi is the gate, Xi is the bridge

Xi is the sunrise
Xi is the sunset

Xi is the lighthouse
Xi is the navigator

Xi is the red flag
Xi is the rice field

Xi is tractors chugging happily along chopping grain.

Xi is the lab,
Xi is the lab without leaks

Xi is the spark

Xi is the power

Xi is the budding grain
Xi is the field with big characters written on it

Xi is more exports than imports

Xi is undersea oil
Xi is solar power

Xi is a powerful rocket on its way to the moon

Xi is a map in a world without borders, except for China, which uses bold lines to include Taiwan and the Senkaku Islands.

Xi is the belt,
Xi is the road.

Xi is the lock, Xi is the key.
Xi is the solution to the Taiwan "problem"

Seven glorious minutes later, an important update:
"The People's Daily has an important article about Chairman Xi's important remarks."

More good news:
"...and CCTV will run a timely and concise review of Chairman Xi's Global Civilization Initiative which is a progressive injection full of positive energy to the civilization of mankind!"

Li Qiang, the second-most powerful man in China, has a few original thoughts of his own.
"I totally agree with everything that Xi says..."
"The spirit of the Xi's victorious 20th party congress guides me..."

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