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Mar 18, 2023, 7 tweets

Learn useful CSS shorthand in one thread! 🔥

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CSS Shorthand Explained:

CSS shorthand combines multiple related properties into a single line of code, making your code more concise and readable.

Margin Shorthand:

margin: top right bottom left;. Replace the top, right, bottom, and left with the desired values.

For example, margin: 10px 20px 30px 40px; sets the margin for top, right, bottom, and left to 10px, 20px, 30px, and 40px respectively.

Padding Shorthand:

padding: top right bottom left;. Replace the top, right, bottom, and left with your desired values.

For example, padding: 10px 20px 30px 40px; sets the padding for top, right, bottom, and left to 10px, 20px, 30px, and 40px respectively

Background Shorthand:

background: background-color background-image background-repeat background-position;.

Write in shorthand, For example, background: #FFFFFF url("image.png") no-repeat center; sets a white background with the image "image.png" centered and not repeated.

Border Shorthand:

border: border-width border-style border-color;.

You can use this to combine any of the border properties into a single line, such as border: 1px solid #000000; to create a 1px black solid border.

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