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Mar 18, 2023, 5 tweets

Imagine waking up and you have won #291Milli What would you do with it? I saw someone in South Africa say they wouldn’t go public nor alert their family. They will live a normal life & help where they can. What’s your take if @SportPesa calls📱 you the winner?

Thread 🧵

Jishindie Kshs. 291,623,094 @SportPesa Mega Jackpot hii wikendi, timiza dreams zako!
Kick-off ni 6 PM LEO, CHEZA SASA!

1447 Chelsea-Everton

4769 Southampton-Tottenham

Get upto 1000% BONUS on YOUR winnings!

If I win this #291Milli #MegaJackPot no one is calling me by my name: I am the Conqueror, the Lion 🦁, the King 👑 @SportPesa

I think if I won #291Milli I would also become a lender to our government Walipe our lecturers kwanza… here are the highlights of today: what are your bets? Play now and DARE fate to smile upon you today with @SportPesa

Here are the 17 games to dare your chance. Which odds are you playing for #291Milli courtesy of @SportPesa

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