artisbrutal2021 Profile picture
Senecio art, illusion and theatre of the absurd

Mar 19, 2023, 43 tweets

Oh yeah?

That's the church in the middle of SoHo, right?

Just off of Golden Square?


Just riffin' here

"Golden brown, texture like sun"🎶

Planting this here for later..

Well, since that area is at the heart of the media landscape in London let's focus on that aspect of Golden Square…

"The square was possibly laid down by Sir Christopher Wren; the plan bears Wren's signature..."

Christopher Wren? He did St Andrew Church Holborn , didn't he?

"It very rapidly became the political and ambassadorial district of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, housing the Portuguese embassy among others..

In film, fiction and the media :

The square is the setting of the third part of Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle, The System of the World…

The title alludes to the third volume of Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which bears the same name.

Plot - Solomon 's Gold

Jack Shaftoe, under the alias Jack the Coiner, attempts a heist at the Tower of London.

Daniel Waterhouse and Isaac attempt to track down Jack Shaftoe for his counterfeiting crimes and tampering with the Pyx

Just planting this stuff about the writer Neal Stephenson of The System of the World , the futurists and Google Earth stuff here for later 🤫…

Golden Square
In film, fiction and the media :

A key scene in A Handful of Dust, by Evelyn Waugh , takes place in a nightclub in the fictional Sink Street, "off" Golden Square…

Golden Square
In film, fiction and the media :

" Confessions Of An English Opium Eater by Thomas De Quincey sees the protagonist part from the square and for the last time from Anne, the prostitute with whom he falls in love"

36 Tavistock , Edgar Allen Poe and the beatniks

Golden Square
In film, fiction and the media :

A verbal tradition was seized upon for the Hulu series Harlots to host the home and business of fictional "bawd" (brothel keeper) Lydia Quigley;..Multiple characters utter the square's name as shorthand to refer to her business.

Golden Square
In film, fiction and the media :

Charles Dickens' works " David Copperfield " and The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
In the latter it is the square where Ralph Nickleby lives in a spacious house and has his "establishment."

Golden Square Soho
Current residents

Phonographic Performance Limited and the Absolute Radio stations are based at №1. After acquisition of which station Bauer Radio consolidated there its regional holdings including Planet Rock

Just planting this here for now

Golden Square Soho
Current residents:

Digital Cinema Media (DCM) &the Cinema Advertising Association (CAA) simultaneously occupied №12. Most of the cinema advertising in Britain was controlled from this building, until December 2013 ..

Golden Square Soho
Current residents

Both Sony Pictures Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd have key premises at №25.


Just planting this here for now

From that thread 👆

Just notes for later

Golden Square Soho
Current residents

The headquarters of Clear Channel UK, and Clear Channel International occupy №33

From that thread👆

Just planting here for now

Golden Square Soho

The global head- & London offices of M & C Saatchi Group &its subsidiaries -
M&C Saatchi, M&C Saatchi Performance, M&C Saatchi Export, LIDA, Clear, TALK PR, Play*, Studio 36, & 5th Element occupy №36 (formerly known as 34 to 36)

Well, let's leave all that luvvie stuff for now

And get back to The central church of the English Ordinariate's spat with Fr Calvin

not a reference to the Calvinists, I'm sure, in this #TheatreOfTheAbsurd🙄


"Monsignor Keith Newton, the ordinary of Our Lady of Walsingham Ordinariate, and Fr. Mark Elliott Smith, rector of Warwick Street church, banned the Rev. Calvin Robinson from filming an Easter special at the Ordinariate's central church after complaints..


Let's see what Scientific American has to say about that Ishtar meme👆…

" it is well known that under the Roman Empire, Christianity did indeed adopt the pagan rituals of conquered peoples..

" in an effort to help convert them. It worked pretty well as a strategy ..However, there are a few things wrong with the Ishtar meme .. Ishtar was the goddess of love and war and sex, as well as protection, fate, childbirth, marriage, and storms..

Her cult practiced sacred prostitution, where women waited at a temple and had sex with a stranger in exchange for a divine blessing (and money to feed hungry children or pay a debt)."

Sacred prostitution? 🤔Do go on..

"Ishtar's symbols were the the lion,
the morning star [aka Venus ],
and eight or sixteen pointed stars—again, symbols of power."..

"The word Easter does not appear to be derived from Ishtar, but from the German Eostre, the goddess of the dawn—a bringer of light...

Three Hares Notes📔🤫🤫🤫

Scientific American : "Ancient Egyptians believed in a primeval egg from which the sun god hatched. Alternatively, the sun was sometimes discussed as an egg itself, laid daily by the celestial goose, Seb, the god of the earth. The Phoenix is said to have emerged from this egg. .

"The cosmic egg, according to the Vedic writings, has a spirit living within it which will be born, die, and be born yet again. .

Brahma does likewise, and we find parallels in the ancient legends of Thoth and Ra ..

"The Phoenix was adopted as a Christian symbol in the first century AD. It appears on funeral stones in early Christian art, churches, religious paintings, and stonework. .."..

"Even the act of coloring eggs is tied to the idea of rebirth and resurrection. .. the link between life and eggs was traditionally made by using a red coloring. Among Christians, red symbolizes the blood of Jesus.."

Article ends rather insipidly "I love the Easter traditions at Church. .. blah, blah"

Written by Krystal D'Costa , an anthropologist working in digital media in New York City.

Kinda reminded me of this

Oh wait.. just for fun

as Princess Leia as Ishtar

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