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Mar 19, 2023, 26 tweets

A short thread of Biu sticking out his tongue photos because my tummy hurts, and I need it to be able to breathe normally today 😫

Blood Donation with Build Jakapan #buildjakapan #Beyourluve #BuildisLuved

Babydoll, showing how it should be done!

So handsome, with alluring tongue snippet 🤯

He loves to stick out tongue in his poses 😫

Having the best time ever 😝

Cute bunny 🐰

Best promoter, all those companies should beg him to be their model 😤

Trying to concentrate, love?

Purple looks so good on him 💜

Just doing his stuff, but tongue must be out!

The prettiest kitty out there 🐈‍⬛️

Just him and his biuderful day 😚

He shoke the whole world with this one 🏃‍♀️

We know, Bib! We totally get you 😔

Sweating and tongue out? I'm losing my mind!

He looks so cute whenever he's doing the 👅 poses

Fun time with blue tongue 🥺

Being a main character must be tough 😤

Just us on a date, I'm in love 💙

Looking so cute, how can I survive it 🏃‍♀️

Everything here looks perfect, Biu is just so handsome 😍

Pete vibes but with the tongue 😝

Our cute musician 😲

Biu said, "I do," and then they had photoshoot 😌

Imagine having such photos with Biu????? Jealous much! 🫂

Thank you for your attention, everyone 🫂💙

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